Secret protocols issue plans for shadow cardinals


Delfi has been able to obtain internal documents from this association, which show the objectives that this so-called social self-movement is really pursuing and what actions it has planned for it.

The association Sąjūdis v. Astravo AE was established two months before the start of the electoral campaign in Seimas, on February 13 of this year.

Petras Auštrevičius, member of the European Parliament, was elected President of the Association Council.

The registration address of the association Sąjūdis vs Astravo AE coincides with the address of the office of the European Parliament P. Auštrevičius in Vilnius, J. Tumo – Vaižganto Street.

The European Parliament provides funds for the maintenance of these premises.

Energy joined the ranks of statesmen

Antiastravininkai’s plans do not coincide with the official policy applied by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Government and even the newly elected president of the country, Gypsies Nausėda, and Lithuania’s international commitments, but the shadow cardinals do not shy away from taking even controversial measures.

Some of the musicians of such anger are members of the Seimas elected in the official elections, but some of the main actors in this meeting do not officially hold any office in the state, and some of them remain private individuals.

However, their names are not unknown or inaudible to the public. Many of them were heard in the media a few years ago, when a parliamentary investigation was carried out in Seimas about the activities of the Department of State Security (SSD) and the death of former official Vytautas Pociūnas in Brest, Belarus, and Lithuania. learned of the so-called “statesman” clan. .

“Yes, such a clan exists. They never appear in elections, but they always win. However, this clan does not have a clear structure and often only unites the interests of the time. I will quote the thoughts expressed by a statesman in a private conversation: “If politicians are losers and are not trying to keep political power in their hands, it is natural for someone to take it. The state cannot be unmanageable. Therefore, we do it because we know what to do with the power of the government “, in 2010, the journalist Rimantas Varnauskas quoted Artūras Zuokas as a politician on the news portal.

Albinas Januška, Žygimantas Pavilionis, Petras Vaitiekūnas, Mečys Laurinkus, Raimundas Lopata: these surnames were associated with the so-called “statesman” clan a few years ago.

Former chief negotiator of the euro, current member of the European Parliament, Liberal Petras Auštrevičius – his and Ž. Pavilionis, as Euro negotiator for Lithuania, during Lithuania’s negotiations on the EU accession treaty, Lithuania was forced to commit to shutting down the Ignalina nuclear power plant, after agreeing large EU funds for the closure work.

Petras Auštrevičius

Petras Auštrevičius

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Former Conservative Government Minister of Energy Andrius Kubilius, current public consultant to Seimas member, former “peasant” Vytautas Bakas, Arvydas Sekmokas is one of the supporters of the idea of ​​building a new nuclear power plant in Lithuania, negotiations were carried out with the Japanese firm Hitachi. .

Former lawyer and negotiator for Visagino atominė elektrinė UAB, a liquidated state company that would build a new Lithuanian nuclear power plant, and Herkus Gabartas, a lawyer, with the Japanese company Hitachi, who had to build such a power plant.

This trio was an active supporter of Lithuania as a nuclear power state for the past decade.

Today, all the above names are linked by the Sąjūdis v. Nuclear Power Plants Association. Astravo, and men have become equally fierce critics of the long-time ardent supporters of nuclear power.

They actively express themselves on social media against the nuclear power plant being built in Belarus, organize pickets, organize press conferences in the Seimas, demand the removal of the Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas and accuse the Government of Lithuania, the Seimas and the President of betraying the country’s national security interests.

Asked about it, dr. Gabart states that he does not consider that his previous activities in the field of nuclear energy are in any way inconsistent with his current antiatrological activities.

On the contrary, according to the lawyer, his experience and knowledge gained from working on nuclear energy projects “now allow us to see the errors and threats made by the government and the threat posed by the construction of the Astrava power plant.”

H. Gabart admits that by closing the Ignalina nuclear power plant, Lithuania lost the opportunity to be an electricity donor. The second opportunity to have cheap electricity and sell it to other countries instead of buying it was lost when the referendum refused to build the Visaginas nuclear power plant.

“However, if Lithuania chooses the ‘green course’ in its energy strategy and commits to increasing the development of alternative energy sources and resources, the Astravo power plant would download its prices on the market with its energy, and this development probably will not it would proceed as fast as it could, “said one of Sąjūdis before Astravas. H. Gabart, members of the board.

What is not with us is against us

Oppose the current Government and President policy on the Eastern Partnership and even alter its summit, try to alter the EU-Cuba Cooperation and Trade Agreement, which Lithuania is the only EU country to ratify for four years, pursue the chaos in the country intimidating Belarusian refugees, To popularize the issue of the closure of the Astrava nuclear power plant through the media, prepare and submit to Seimas amendments to constitutional laws directed against international agreements and commitments signed by Lithuania , and train Dainiai Žalimas, the current President of the Constitutional Court, to pressure the country’s businessmen to provide financial support for the anti-Astravian association movement; Foreign countries, to denigrate those who will oppose the expressed position, such ambitions and plans were discussed at the meetings of the board members of the association Sąjūdis vs Astravo AE, established in February of this year behind closed doors.

This is evidenced in the secret minutes of the board of this organization received by Delfi. These documents have been authenticated by at least two sources.

The anti-astronauts did not hesitate: to achieve their goals and ambitions, they sought to subordinate Seimas members, signatories, prominent representatives of art and culture, parties, businessmen, even, as can be seen in the organization’s internal documents, the Presidency and the Constitutional Court.

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish student, an environmental activist against climate change and Pope Francis, were to be used to help promote the Sąjūdis and strengthen their position.

Those who disagreed with the movement’s views were preparing to be looked down on in articles published publicly in the country’s media. It was even suggested to use a special definition for this: according to V. Landsbergis, people who do not support the position of the anti-Travian Sąjūdis to oppose the threat of the Astravas nuclear power plant are called “Astravinians”.

Although Sąjūdis denies any involvement in political parties in its stated goals, and its main challenge is to oppose environmental security and the poorly chosen location of the Astrava nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus, it does envisage political measures to achieve those goals.

“I do not know why there is an attempt to link the Sąjūdis with the parties, whether it is a conservative or liberal project, or why it was established before the elections. I am not a member of any political party, I participate in the organization as Citizen I am an energy expert, I know this and I know the legal aspects I think it is wrong to try to blame now that Kubilius (former Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius, aut. Past) was looking at something here or allowing something there, or agreed. It was the Kubilius government that did at least something to disconnect from Russia’s energy “needle”. We will remember the Visaginas nuclear power plant project when the concession agreement was negotiated with the Japanese Hitachi. It coincided so much that there were elections to the Seimas and a referendum, and when it was decided not to build a new nuclear power plant, the socialist government did nothing for eight years, absolutely nothing to move that synchronization (with the infrastructure networks western electricity supply). Because this problem (disconnection of BRELL – aut. Past) was not a priority for the government. Everyone was talking about how things are prepared here, and now we have seen that they are not prepared, and now this problem posed by us (Sąjūdis vs. Astravas AE – aut. Past). Said H. Gabart, one of the founders and leaders of the anti-astrav movement.

Herkus Gabartas

Herkus Gabartas

© Photo from personal album.

On the most important issues, as can be seen in the available protocols, several aspects were discussed: forcing Lithuania to withdraw from the Vienna Convention on Nuclear Responsibility, thus leaving Lithuania’s risk without international guarantees regarding damage in the event of Astrava accident; adopt in Seimas a law amending the list of constitutional laws, by which Sąjūdis must include in this list the draft law on the danger to Lithuania of the nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus; sabotage Lithuania’s participation in the Eastern Partnership program, one of whose objectives is the integration and synchronization of the energy infrastructures of the program countries, and even interrupt the summit held on June 18 of this year; and ensure that Lithuania does not ratify the Agreement for political dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and its member states and Cuba, adopted in Brussels in 2016.

Political support for Cuban dissidents, in exchange for financial support for the Sąjūdis?

Secret protocols focus on seeking financial support and supporting the movement. To this end, the objective is to use the influence of Vidmantas Janulevičius, one of the founders of the association, businessman and vice president of the Confederation of Industrialists, among business representatives.

It is also planned to seek support between foreign commercial companies and political forces.

It is true that it is advisable to look very carefully at the support of some companies.

Excerpt from the minutes:

“P. Auštrevičius speaks. Offer to seek, offer cooperation and seek financial support from European civil society and regional organizations working in the field of anti-nuclear power plants and security in the region.

Mr. Gabart spoke. Pritaria

P. Auštrevičius spoke. Offers to start the search immediately.

V. Mitkus says. Advocates for business addresses and areas that can be applied for financial assistance.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas. Offers to discuss each business area in meetings with caution to avoid a bad image in the future. He suggests taking a closer look at a business that has relationships with Belarus. Companies with no image, for example: Žiemelio, ET Baltic. Refrain from supporting gambling companies.

P. Auštrevičius spoke. Pritaria

Mr. Gabart spoke. Offers to take into account the renewable green energy business “.

It is worth looking at some secret protocol logs very carefully. They talk about the support offered by Cuban dissidents. From the general context, it can be understood that we are talking about financial support for the anti-Astravian meeting in Lithuania.

Construction of the Astravyets nuclear power plant

Construction of the Astravyets nuclear power plant

During a board meeting, Fr. Auštrevičius “asks Ž. The pavilion will be contacted by potential Cuban supporters for support, and at the next meeting, board members will be” informed of the support offered by Cuban dissidents and will they will ask the board for an opinion on the acceptance of this support. “

A. Sekmokas, H. Gabartas and Ž. The pavilion appreciates the support.

Is it possible that in this way the Cuban dissidents reward the Sąjūdis for their political support in the Lithuanian Parliament? And how to evaluate such support for an association whose part of the members of the governing bodies participates in the campaign of political election to the Seimas during the provision of such possible support?

Delfi recalls that as soon as the anti-astral association was registered, in late February, its members in parliament Ž. Pavilionis and E. Zingeris and conservative member of Seimas Audronius Ažubalis held a joint press conference at Seimas in late February of this year with three dissident guests from Cuba, as they were introduced.

However, the conference video and publicly available information show that people live in the United States and are affiliated with the Cuban Foundation for Human Rights. Said fund is registered in Miami, Florida, USA.

Although the fund’s financial statements could not be found publicly, the donation platform posted on the fund’s website shows that the fund generates millions of revenue per year.

The representatives of this fund, who arrived in Lithuania, asked the Lithuanian Seimas not to ratify the agreement adopted by the EU member states with Cuba.

The European Union is seeking such an agreement, claiming that it is strengthening its influence in this country, which is currently heavily influenced by Russia and China.

The Seimas Foreign Affairs Committee approved the ratification of this treaty, but the entire Seimas has not yet voted on it.

In March of this year, the Secretary of State of the United States, Maikas Pompeo, addressed the President of Lithuanians Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, urging not to ratify the agreement with Cuba.

Opposition conservatives in the Seimas have asked the ruling Cuban card to use European Union support for the construction of the Astrava nuclear power plant in neighboring Belarus, which Lithuania says is not safe.

“It is very logical and very useful for us to take Cuba hostage to hear about Astrava. And when we hear the assurance that we will be heard about the atrocities committed by the Belarusian regime with Astrava, then perhaps we will also try to hear about Cuba,” he said. at the Seimas Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in February this year. Pavilion, several days before the arrival of guests from Cuba.

Sigismund Pavilionis

Sigismund Pavilionis

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

When asked if it would be ethical to take that position when the Euro-community puts Astravas and Cuba’s questions on the balance, lawyer H. Gabart said that this was not the official position of the Sąjūdis.

“Sąjūdis board members, who are politicians, sometimes use more precise statements that may be associated with the activities of the movement, but (as for Cuba), this is a political problem, and the movement has nothing to do with it. do with that. ” Gabart said.

When asked why even several minutes of the meeting mention Cuban dissidents and their financial support for the movement’s activities, Gabart explained this as “a technical error on the part of the recorder.”

How Green established himself as a consultant

The error H. Gabart called the other information mentioned in the protocols: the establishment of a working group to prepare amendments to the constitutional laws. According to the information recorded in the minutes of the Board, Dainius Žalimas, acting President of the Constitutional Court, would become one of the members and consultant of this working group.

“It is possible that it was recorded in this way, possibly the one who wrote the protocol made a mistake there. A few, who and where, perhaps in the discussions they expressed an idea, but we did not establish a working group and there were no meetings with Nobody. Now it’s an inflated bubble and I think it’s unnecessary, “Gabart told Delfi.

The available protocols show how members of the S lajūdis Board discuss the preparation of the constitutional bill and share comments on the need to involve specialists in constitutional law and, in particular, the President of the Constitutional Court Dainiai Žalimas.

Excerpt from Sąjūdis before the Astravas NPP Board in 2020 April 17 Minutes of the meeting:

“A. Sekmokas speaks. He proposes to hold a press conference on the arrangements for the Astravo nuclear power plant.

V. Landsbergis spoke. He proposes a working group that is in charge of writing a constitutional law.

P. Auštrevičius spoke. Pritaria Dainius Žalimas is proposed to the working group. Offers to get solid answers on the Astravo NPP issue from each participating party before the elections.

V. Landsbergis spoke. Pritaria

Ž. Pavilion. Pritaria

Mr. Gabart spoke.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas.

RESOLVED: Preparation of 3 documents: 1. Address to the parties; 2. Article with conceptual ideas; 3. Explanatory note on the inclusion law. Approved by consensus. A. Sekmokas and H. Gabartas are responsible for the explanatory note on the list with the possible help of D. Žalimas as soon as possible. About the article with conceptual ideas – prof. V. Landsbergis until next week. Regarding the appeal to the parties – P. Auštrevičius. Conference to be held before 04/27 “.

A week later, on April 24, the board meeting again discussed the issue of using specialists in constitutional law to prepare a future bill.

Excerpt from the minutes:

“A. Sekmokas speaks. Proposing to change the current law may weaken it. He proposes a new law. A. Sekmokas proposes to start drafting the law and then present the prepared law to a constitutional law specialist for review. For the writing of the part Energy and economic law is offered.Invites Z. Pavilionis, H. Gabartas, P. Auštrevičius, M. Lasauskas, V. Landsbergis.

Mr. Gabart spoke. He proposes not to approve a new law, but to propose amendments to the previous one. Due to the political environment and the general attitude of the legislator towards constitutional laws.

Ž. Pavilion. Possibly a new law would be approved only in the Seimas of the next period. It expresses its concern about the possible weakening of the law if we try to propose amendments to the current law. <....>

DISCUSSED: Draft amendment to the List of Constitutional Laws with explanatory note.

Ž. Pavilion. It proposes to begin with the amendment of the Law of the List of Constitutional Laws.

Mr. Gabart spoke. He proposes to register the law in the near future.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas. It is mandatory to find specialists in constitutional law. Suggests V. Landsbergis and others who may be familiar with constitutional law to initiate a dialogue with them on the adjustment of the law to the list of constitutional laws.

V. Landsbergis spoke. Pritaria We will try to contact.

Mr. Gabart spoke.

P. Auštrevičius spoke. It was decided to prepare a draft amendment to the law on the constitutional list of laws, an explanatory note. While the constitutional bill is being drafted, we will finally decide whether to draft a new law or modify the old one.

Mr. Gabart spoke.

RESOLVED: Information heard.<...>

DISCUSSED: Registration of the draft amendment to the Law of the List of Constitutional Laws in the Seimas.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas.

Ž. Pavilion.

P. Auštrevičius spoke.

Ž. Pavilion. Prepare a draft amendment to the Law on the List of Constitutional Laws.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas. He says this must be done as soon as possible.

Ž. Pavilion. He will present the draft to K. Škiudas for comment.

RESOLVED: Agreed upon by consensus. A draft amendment to the List of Constitutional Laws Act should be prepared and registered as soon as possible. Responsible Ž. Pavilion “.

A week later, on May 1, at the board meeting, Ž. Pavilionis is already informing Board members about the upcoming meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court, including indicating a specific date for the meeting.

Arvydas Sekmokas

Arvydas Sekmokas

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Excerpt from the minutes:

“DISCUSSED: In connection with the request before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania with a request to investigate the constitutionality of the Vienna Convention.

V. Landsbergis spoke. He proposes to request the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania the constitutionality of accession to the Vienna Convention, but not the Vienna Convention itself.

Mr. Gabart spoke. Disagree. He suggests asking experts in constitutional law, but believes that the constitutionality of the Vienna Convention should be questioned.

Ž. Pavilion. He just wants to provide new information about the meeting on the adjustment of the Law of the List of Constitutional Laws with D. Žalimas: he thinks it is a good idea, he agrees to connect and speak online next week, perhaps on Wednesday.

V. Landsbergis spoke. Then it is necessary to formulate “Compliance with the constitutionality of the Vienna Convention in Lithuania. <...>

Mr. Gabart spoke. He claims that there are details here, asking to consider the essence of the project itself. He argues that such an appeal is very important, because a positive response from the Constitutional Court would clearly show all the shortcomings of the Vienna Convention.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas. Ask about the possible duration of such a decision in terms of time.

Mr. Gabart spoke. That would be a time of one or two years.

The following spoke: A. Sekmokas. A resolution needs to be adopted first.

Mr. Gabart spoke. I think this project will take two to three more weeks to work, so the question of resolution will already be answered.

Ž. Pavilion. 29 signatures are required to file an application with the Constitutional Court, he suggests talking to D. Žalimas about this project.

Mr. Gabart spoke. He asks for approval in principle only for a possible course of action by the Sąjūdis, he claims that the project is really correctable, especially from the legal side, which requires the opinion of experts in constitutional law, but in this case it offers approval only for the idea itself .

P. Auštrevičius spoke. On Wednesday May 6 there will be an interview with Mr. Žalimas.

There are no objections.

RESOLVED: Approved by consensus. The address was agreed to ask the Constitutional Court for an interpretation of the constitutionality of the Vienna Convention. An interview with D. Žalimas is scheduled for May 6, by Ž. Pavilion “.

Recorded invoice

As can be seen in the data of the Seimas official document registration system, the list of Constitutional Laws of Constitutional Law does not. XI-1932 Draft constitutional law amending and supplementing article 2, which proposes to supplement the law with an article “On the threat of the Belarus nuclear power plant” Ž. The pavilion was registered at the Seimas immediately after the scheduled meeting with D. Žalimas on May 21.

The text of the document officially declares that the bill is presented by the members of the Seimas Žygimantas Pavilionis, Dainius Kreivys, Viktorija Čmilytė – Nielsen, Aušrinė Armonaitė and Virgilijus Poderys. All of them are directly related to the association Sąjūdis v. Astravo AE, but have not declared it in accordance with the law.

The line of content, indicated by the draftsman of the invoice, contains Ž. The name of the pavilion is as coordinator, and the text indicates that the project was prepared by the association Sąjūdis vs Astravo AE.

The metadata of the draft law document shows that it was created by Elena Narkevičiūtė, one of the founders of the anti-astrav movement.

However, all interest is in the Explanatory Memorandum of the document, more precisely, not only in its content, but also in the metadata. They show that the author of the document is Kęstutis Škiudas, a former adviser to the Conservative Prime Minister, the current MEP Andrius Kubilius and a former member of the Visaginas Nuclear Power Board. Metadata shows that the document was created before the bill was registered on April 27, and the last revision was made on May 21, that is. on the day of registration at the Seimas.

Corrections were made to the document by a computer user named Elka. The sources of the editorial office joke in the Constitutional Court that Mr. Žalimas himself names his computer in this way, as a phonetic abbreviation of the Lithuanian Constitution (LK). It cannot be stated whether such information is justified.

He did not deny meeting with politicians

Delfi wanted to ask the President of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Žalimas, if he had really advised members of the anti-Altravian movement on the content of the draft constitutional laws. After contacting Giedre Maksimaityte, Public Relations Advisor to the President of the Tribunal, on June 15, the latter heard questions and promised to call back later, sending responses from Mr. Žalimas. So far, however, such information has not reached Delfi’s editorial office.

On June 18, while giving an interview to the LRT radio program “60 Minutes”, the president of the Constitutional Court responded with a smile to journalist Deividas Jursevičius’s question that D. Žalimas is accused of meeting with conservatives.

“It just came to our attention then. There were no meetings at all. On the other hand, you know, there is one nuance: Everyone is free to make friends or meet with whoever they want. The question is what is really at stake. It really is not about of the cases with nobody, but in this particular case, if I talk about some of the leaks there, I don’t even know who the protocols are, by the way, there really were no meetings. “

After the journalist heard again if D. Žalimas communicates and meets with politicians, the head of the CC said: “You know, sometimes it is inevitable, because it is necessary to discuss some issues of judicial activity: financing, individual constitutional complaint or others. , regarding the competence of politicians to legislate in budgetary matters, it is inevitable. “

“Are these business meetings?” Asked the head of the LRT radio program.

“It is, yes, but I don’t remember the last time I had a serious business meeting,” Žalimas replied.

“In the Seimas, you have to think,” said D. Jursevičius.

“It just came to our attention then. It’s not just in the Seimas, it’s with the politicians and in general. You see, talking about what wasn’t there is something that I really don’t think is very serious. I have specifically in mind about the meetings about the topics that have been mentioned ”, followed the response.

Delfi was asked why the anti-astral movement board was discussing how to include the President of the Constitutional Court in the legislative working group, and if this practice was normal and acceptable, and if it had met, how the board was ordered and he referred to it. , Member of the Seimas Ž. Pavilionis said that “after several deliberations in Sąjūdis, we did not create a working group or the bill itself, so far this is the idea that we postponed after the elections. The idea was proposed by Dr. Herkus Gabart of Riomeri University, so there were no other meetings. That concludes the official part. “

The founders include members of Seimas, the liberal youth and the alternative energy business.

The association Sąjūdis v. Astravo AE was established two months before the start of the electoral campaign in Seimas, on February 13 of this year.

Astravyets nuclear power plant in Belarus

Astravyets nuclear power plant in Belarus

Among the 23 founders, known names: former president of the Seimas de Restauración, honorary president of the National Union – Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party (TS – LKD) Vytautas Landsbergis, conservative members of the Seimas Žygimantas Pavilionis and Emanuelis Zingeris, vice president of the Seimas LVŽS) representative Arvydas Nekrošius, former “peasant”, chairman of the Energy and Sustainable Development Commission of Seimas Virgilijus Poderys, member of the European Parliament of the Liberal Movement Petras Auštrevičius, representative of the Green Party, signatory and former head of the Department of State Security Mečys Laurinkus , signatory and diplomat, former Petras Vaitiekūnas, signatory and diplomat, Raimundas Lopata, political scientist, Eduardas Eigirdas, journalist, his wife Vilma Eigirdienė, former Minister of Energy of the Conservative Government Andrius Kubilius, current Minister of Energy of the Popular Party (current predecessor of the LVŽS ), Member of the Seimas, former “peasant” Vytautas Bakas, consult or public Arvydas Sekmokas, official of the State Border Guard Service, member of the Green Party Laurynas Okockis, spokesman for the opposition leader of the Seimas, conservative Gabrielius Landsbergis, son of Mrs. Matas Maldeikis, former deputy to the European Parliament to build a nueva planta de energía nuclear lituana, el abogado y negociador UAB Visagino atominė elektrinė con la compañía japonesa Hitachi, que tuvo que construir dicha planta de energía, el abogado Herkus Gabartas, vicepresidente de la Confederación de Industriales de Lituania, presidente de la junta del grupo empresarial de desarrollo de energía solar Global BOD Group, Vidmantas Janulevičius, Abogado Asistente Matas Lasauskas, Miembro de la Junta de la Juventud Liberal Lituana Pavelas Ilkevič, Presidente del Consejo de Organizaciones Juveniles Lituanas (LiJOT) Lukas Kornelijus Vaičiakas, Vicepresidente del Partido Verde Lituano, Instituto de Política Verde su directora Ieva Budraitė, estudiante de ci encias políticas VU TSPMI, presentándose como miembro del Seimas Ž. Annamaria Cantore, miembro del equipo de Pavilionis, miembro de Seimas Ž. Asesora de Seimas en Seimas Justina Vaišnorienė, voluntaria de la Asociación Juvenil Tolerante Elena Narkevičiūtė.

No declaró interés

Los miembros de la Junta de la Asociación Sąjūdis vs Astravo AE son P. Auštrevičius (Presidente), Ž. Pavilionis, A. Sekmokas, H. Gabartas, D. Ilkevič, representantes de LiJOT Viktorija Gailiūtė y Paulius Serapinas, miembro de la Junta de la Liga de Jóvenes Conservadores, Vilnius Union of Youth Organizations Round Table (VJOSAS) representante en Vilnius City Youth Affairs Council Emilė Balodytė y Vilnius Union of Youth Organizations Apskritas stalas (VJOSAS) pirmininkas ir Vilniaus miesto jaunimo reikalų tarybos pirmininko pavaduotojas Vidmantas Mitkus.

Asociacijos Tarybos nariais, be kitų, yra Seimo nariai: Laisvės partijos pirmininkė Aušrinė Armonaitė, Liberalų sąjūdžio pirmininkė Viktorija Čmilytė – Nielsen, konservatoriai Ž. Pavilionis, Aistė Gedvilienė, Dainius Kreivys, Emanuelis Zingeris, „valstietis“ A. Nekrošius, buvę LVŽS frakcijos nariai V. Poderys ir Egidijus Vareikis.

Tarybos nariais taip pat yra konservatorių partijos Garbės pirmininkas V. Landsbergis, europarlamentaras P. Auštrevičius, M. Laurinkus, R. Lopata, A. Sekmokas, buvusi Seimo narė, signatarė Nijolė Oželytė, gamtininkas ir buvęs Aplinkos ministerijos specialistas Selemonas Paltanavičius, Pramonininkų konfederacijos viceprezidentas V. Janulevičius ir kt.

Nei vienas iš politikų ir valstybės tarnautojų tokių ryšių nėra deklaravęs Vyriausiajai tarnybinės etikos komisijai (VTEK), nors tai padaryti pagal įstatymą privaloma per 30 dienų nuo tokių interesų atsiradimo.

Seimo komisijos posėdį padarė slaptu

Kaip visuomenininkams pavyko sukelti tokį rezonansą visuomenėje, ir Astravo uždarymo klausimą paversti vienu iš pagrindinių labiausiai paskutiniu metu aptarinėjamų temų?

Į šitą klausimą kalbinti pašnekovai atsakymų neturi, bet, anot dr. H. Gabarto, „gerai, kad dėmesys atkreiptas“.

Gausybė publikacijų žiniasklaidos portaluose, piketai prie Vyriausybės, Energetikos ministerijos, raštai ir kreipimaisi į Seimo, Vyriausybės ir Prezidentūros vadovus, spaudos konferencijos Seime ir naujienų agentūrose – šios ir kitos antiastravininkų priemonės jų temą iškėlė į pirmuosius puslapius.

Paskutinė sąjūdininkų pergalė – Prezidento Gitano Nausėdos atsisakymas vykti Estiją, kur vyko trijų Baltijos valstybių vadovų susitikimas. Prezidentūra paskelbė, kad persigalvota dėl kelionės nepavykus rasti susitarimo su Latvija dėl būsimos Astravo elektros energijos nepirkimo.

Dar anksčiau antiastravininkams pavyko „užimti“ Seimo Energetikos ir darnios plėtros komisiją, vadovaujamą buvusio “valstiečio” Virgilijaus Poderio.

Šiai komisijai priklauso ir konservatorius Seimo narys, „Sąjūdžio prieš Astravo AE“ Tarybos narys Dainius Kreivys.

Sąjūdžio interesus atitinkantys klausimai šioje komisijoje buvo svarstyti ne kartą. Ir pirmu smuiku čia, kaip bent jau galima numanyti iš viešai transliuojamo vaizdo, groja toli gražu ne Seimo nariai, o visuomenininkai.

„Delfi“ žurnalistė internete rado viešai publikuojamą vaizdo įrašą, kuriame komisijos pirmininkas V. Poderys posėdžio metu į jokių pareigų Vyriausybėje neužimantį A. Sekmoką kreipiasi „ministre“, o išklausyti H. Gabarto pranešimo Astravo tema į Komisiją iškviečiami ne tik kelių ministerijų, bet ir Prezidentūros atstovai.

Paskutinis Komisijos posėdis, kuriame svarstytas Astravo klausimas, vyko birželio 17-ą dieną. Seimo Statutas numato, kad posėdžiai yra vieši ir transliuojami internetu.

Tačiau tokia transliacija nevyko. Pasak Komisijos pirmininko V. Poderio, „pasitarėme, kad visuomenei tų jautrių dalykų nereikia žinoti“.

Dar daugiau – kai „Delfi“ žurnalistė paprašė V. Poderio pateikti motyvus, kuriais posėdis buvo paskelbtas uždaru, paaiškėjo, kad jokių motyvų nebuvo.

„Ne, jokių valstybės ar komercinių paslapčių nebuvo, tik ir svečiai, ir komisijos nariai taip nutarėme, kad tegul bus uždaras“, – paaiškino Seimo narys ir Energetikos ir darnios plėtros komisijos pirmininkas V. Poderys, pats, beje, esantis vienu iš asociacijos „Sąjūdos prieš Astravo AE“ steigėjų, nors to nedeklaravęs VTEK.

Kai „Delfi“ žurnalistė oficialiu raštu kreipėsi į Seimo Kanceliariją, prašydama leisti susipažinti su minėto Komisijos posėdžio protokolu, oficialiai buvo gautas atsakymas, kad toks protokolas yra neviešas.

Kas dalyvavo minėtame komisijos posėdyje? Ar tarp svečių buvo antiastravinio sąjūdžio atstovai? Kokius klausimus jie kėlė? Kodėl visuomenei neprieinama Seimo Komisijos posėdžio informacija?

„Delfi“ bergždžiai bandė susisiekti su asociacijos „Sąjūdis prieš Astravo AE“ valdybos pirmininku, europarlamentaru P. Auštrevičiumi komentaro apie tai, kokią finansinę paramą ir iš ko gauna antiastravinis sąjūdis. Tokią informaciją, pagal įstatymą, asociacijos privalo skelbti viešai.

Tačiau P. Auštrevičius neatsakinėjo nei į telefono skambučius, nei į žinutes automatiniame atsakiklyje. Nepavyko susisiekti ir su jo EP biuru Vilniuje.

It is strictly prohibited to use the information published by DELFI on other websites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in any way without consent, and if consent has been obtained, DELFI must be cited as the source.
