Scheme Homes of Social Assistance: What burns on the altar of the outbreak of the scandal?


Many questions are sought, answers

September 8 “Gimtasis …” wrote that employees of the Human Rights Office of the Seimas Ombudsman, who arrived at the Schema Welfare Home during the scheduled inspection, found an incredibly ill resident in one of the rooms of the Klaip distritoda district, locked behind the installed bars. According to preliminary data, the resident could remain behind bars for about two weeks. The police were contacted about the incident, a pre-trial investigation into the illegal deprivation of liberty was launched, the director of the Gintaras Girštautas institution was removed from office for a month and the director of the Zarasai social residence was temporarily entrusted with management. Vytautas Valentinavičius, the head of the STI, worked with the team at Skema for a whole week, because, as he told reporters during a press conference, there are more worrying reports of human rights violations at this institution. SADM officials came to the residence to explain the situation; they were bitten by representatives of the Labor Inspectorate and the union …

Many questions arose after the scandal. Can an aggressive man with a congenital mental disability who poses a real risk to himself, other residents, employees and property of the institution live in a nursing home-type institution whose rooms, if his health permits, walk freely through the area? If the freedom of an aggressive resident cannot be restricted, how can the safety, rights and freedoms of other residents and workers be guaranteed? How many social workers people with mental disabilities live in this institution, the institution does not save artificially at the expense of these employees? Why is your long-time leader, G. Girštautas, a member of the district council, despite his acknowledgment of the management’s weak control, trying to shift responsibility for the incident to the nursing home social workers?

The psychological environment is tragic

Daiva Kaupienė, the current manager of social workers, had this to say about the work environment at the Hogar de Asistencia Social Scheme. “It is a very difficult environment, employees and residents are under stress. Many employees, including me, receive threatening messages, with promises to deal with them, “wishes” to disappear, and director “svolačius” and even more terrible … It is scary to go outside, the feeling that people look like a plague. The number of close calls from the residents of the institution has increased, we wonder how we are here. And police visits have increased, especially in the afternoons. Someone in a general helpline denounces a violation of human rights, officials arrive, wake up the population, take photos in search of possible violence, check if they are unhappy … Now people can jump us, believe that they can go out and live wherever they want . They imagine we brought them here by force. A disabled resident says to me: “Are you telling me to make the bed? I’ll call the television immediately. ” The population that caused the scandal is now showing up and we no longer have the opportunity to pay proper attention to others. Why no one asked how and where he had lived before. Due to the mess, the clothes on her body only stay up for half an hour. One of his loved ones told us that he lived in a pantry, almost naked, on a toilet. He gets upset if there is a person nearby, he begins to hit his head against the wall, hit himself, hurt himself and other things. And the physical strength is great. Recently, four aluminum buckets were crushed by hand. Being by their side is a great danger to health and life. I do not know if a person with such a disability should not be in another specialized institution “, considered D. Kaupienė.

Read more in “Nativo …”

In hearts
