Scandal hits Klaipeda University Hospital: calls for rescue of both patients and doctors


J. Grigorjevienė assured that the KUL Department of Premature Newborns does not provide compulsory psychological assistance to families, lacks benevolent cooperation with non-governmental organizations that offer assistance, as well as with other medical institutions in the country, lacks communication and support professional and responsive for families experiencing difficulties.

Call to the rescue of newborns and caregivers

Seimas member Agnė Bilotaitė also expressed concern. According to their data, many pavilions of the pavilion suffer from psychological exhaustion, so they are unmotivated, apathetic and do not show respect and sensitivity towards the pavilions of the pavilion when that help is vital for them and their newborns.

“Obviously, this is no longer an internal matter of the institution, it is everyone’s business to rescue both newborns and the doctors who care for them,” said A. Bilotaitė in a press release.

The KUL chief physician, Vinsas Janušonis, disagreed with the opinion expressed by the Seimas member. He “Delfi” felt comfortable that the Seimas member A. Bilotaitė “does not take care of the Klaipeda University Hospital and” rescues “doctors and patients” for the first time.

Janušonis Vinsas

Janušonis Vinsas

© Western Express

“We regret that A. Bilotaitė relies on unverified and misleading information, including anonymous information, and disseminates it,” he rejected the criticism.

However, according to J. Grigorjevienė, more than one family had spoken of the frustration of the families, the emotional help to the pregnant woman, the mother, the indifference towards the patient, the information gap, but the situation did not improve substantially.

As part of the “Ankstukai” support project, the association has already donated eight special kangaroo chairs to the infant intensive care unit, nests and covers for newborns, and installed a toilet for parents in the newborn unit.

“We are constantly replenishing the stock of the informative book” Ankstukas “published by the association in the hospital so that mothers of premature babies can receive them free of charge, we donate a washing machine. With all this help, our goal is to strengthen and enable parents take proper care of your newborn, reduce anxiety, increase confidence, share experiences and stories, ”said J. Grigorjevienė.

According to the woman, accepting outside help would reduce the emotional drain on the staff who work with families, leaving the medical staff better trained to perform their tasks optimally and professionally.

Klaipeda University Hospital is in scandal: calls for the rescue of both patients and doctors

Speak with the voice of frustrated mothers

However, as we can see in the case of Samanta Adomaitytė, a KUL patient who speaks with the voice of many displeased and frustrated mothers, our efforts and improving the environment with inventory do not motivate or change the behavior of the staff. KUL does not provide psychology services, most of the staff are psychologically exhausted, listless and unmotivated, they do not respect the mother and the newborn. S. Adomaityte received the information book “Ankstukas” only 10 days after giving birth, “she noted.

In response to a letter from the Association “Pregnant Woman” to the chief physician of KUL V. Janušonis and other institutions “about the provision of psychological assistance and cooperation” and an article in the media in which a mother who gave birth He prematurely shared his experience with KUL, a commission was formed to investigate this case.

Have you no reproaches?

After examining the medical records and speaking with S. Adomaityte, the KUL Commission stated that it had not initiated any statements, allegedly without addressing the President of the Association or the media. Some of his statements in the press release were “taken out of the context of the talks and did not correspond to opinion.”

Furthermore, the letter notes that publicly available information is incorrect and biased towards the hospital, with statements “humiliating its staff, who, even during quarantine, provided all necessary qualified medical and nursing care without interruption in case of emergency.” .

“During the conversation, patient S. Adomaitytė stated that she has no complaints about medical care in the hospital during pregnancy and delivery. She also said it in the questionnaire she filled out when she was discharged from the hospital, ”says the official letter from the hospital.

As for the psychologist’s consultations, it was also explained that they are provided in case of an emergency situation by decision of the doctor or at the request of the mother. There were no indications for patient S. Adomaityte to consult a psychologist.

The same was confirmed by the mayor of the city of Klaipėda, Vytautas Grubliauskas, in an official letter sent to the Delfi portal: said patient has no complaints about hospital medical care during pregnancy and childbirth.

Delfi tried to communicate with S. Adomaityte herself, but unfortunately was unable to do so. No calls or messages were answered or sent. by mail. letter sent.

According to the hospital, during the first half of this year, about 1,500 women gave birth at the hospital, including 57 premature births.

In a letter sent to Delfi, KUL representatives assured that so far no complaints have been received, not even during the quarantine period, about the care of mothers and newborns. In contrast, when they analyzed the questionnaires completed by the women who gave birth, they rated the health care at the hospital as excellent and good.

Raimondas Šiaulys, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in his assessment of the noble objectives of the association, requested cooperation not in press releases or similar forms, but “in the performance of the functions assigned or assumed by each organization.”

V. Grubliauskas urged the association to present its activities and projects not only to KUL, but also to the Public Health Office of the city of JV Klaipeda, which carries out various preventive activities, trainings for various target groups (for example, “Academy of the healthy family” for families with children), provides individual and group consultations of specialists (including a psychologist).

Scandal hits Klaipeda University Hospital: calls for rescue of both patients and doctors

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

SAM has repeatedly received signs that hospital staff are unwell

Representatives of the Ministry of Health (SAM) confirmed to Delfi that they had received a letter from the Association of Premature Newborns “Neišnešiotukas” regarding this hospital. Also a comment from KUL. “The situation is currently being examined and a response will be given to the association. Therefore, we are not yet able to comment on the issue in more detail,” commented SAM specialists.

They admitted, not the first time they received information that the staff at this hospital were not well:

“Last year SAM representatives visited this hospital, met with its management and staff. They talked about work organization, conditions, and the team’s microclimate. However, this hospital is subordinate to the Klaipėda City Municipality, so SAM does not have the possibility to take meaningful action. Also missing is the situation caused by the concern of politicians in the port city ”.

To find out how doctors really feel, SAM created a special hotline last year, which can be used to anonymously report work pressure, psychological violence and harassment.

Physicians calling this hotline can be sure to remain anonymous, as evidenced by the strict position of Health Minister Aurelius Veryga not to disclose whistleblowers, even after police authorities have launched an investigation and demanded all the information that identifies the complainant.

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