Say goodbye to Eugene Ostapenko: his blows sound, a bicycle built next to the coffin


On Wednesday, Lithuania was surrounded by sad news: the composer and performer E. Ostapenko died unexpectedly. The 44-year-old man, according to loved ones, died of heart failure.

The farewell to the singer began on Friday. It will be possible to say goodbye and express condolences to the family of E. Ostapenko until noon on Saturday. 2 pm the singer will be accompanied on the final trip.

The interpreter of eternal rest will lie down in Lėbartai, a village located in the Klaipėda district.

Even when saying goodbye to a pop singer, a social media star and the life of the party, those gathered do not forget their music. In the background, the successes of E. Ostapenko, familiar to old and young, are played in the background, and the artist’s first albums awaken feelings.

In the armory room, recalling the moments of the colorful life of E. Ostapenko, those gathered in the coffin wear not only white flowers or wreaths, but also a symbolic bicycle. The hit of the artist of the same name was inseparable from the singer.

E. Ostapenko’s family is extremely grateful to everyone for their warm words and support, which they receive not only from fans living in Lithuania, but also abroad.

Mom talked about the son and the fateful hour.

The last moments of the life that the singer spent with her mother, who was on Wednesday with Delphi She agreed to share memories of her son and spoke of a fateful moment when, sadly, no one was able to help anyone not even with doctors.

Throughout the conversation, the interlocutor struggled to hold back tears: the woman admitted that losing her mother to her son is the most painful thing that can happen.

“For a long time everything was fine with his health, he did not get sick … Everything happened suddenly. Job. I watched television with me, sat next to an armchair, went to the kitchen for a while to collect milk and honey, and then went to my room. But then he came back and said, “I’m sick, call the ambulance.” And that is. The ambulance could not arrive when everything was ready, “said the singer’s mother excitedly.

The woman has no complaints about the doctors: two ambulances arrived at the scene surprisingly quickly.

“It just came to our attention then. The Express came very fast, two brigades, but he couldn’t help anyone anymore. Doctors tried to revive him for an hour, but it didn’t help,” he said.

The interlocutor did not hide the fact that even though Eugene had not complained about his health recently, there was more than one in his medical history.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But somehow still unexpected. After all, he was only 44 years old,” the woman lamented.

Mother and son had an extremely strong connection, lately Eugene has lived with her, always ready to help.

“We were very close. All of Lithuania knew it. I accompanied him everywhere, I did not miss the concerts,” he recalled.

The woman believes that heart problems have become the cause of death.

Eugene Ostapenko as a child

Eugene Ostapenko as a child

© Photo from personal album

“It just came to our knowledge then. I don’t know what it could be anymore. <...> We lost it in five minutes ” Delphi opened by mom.

Ms. Liubovė has been happy with her son lately as she has been preparing a new show for her fans, planning to return to the stage with a fresh repertoire.

“He recorded new songs. Two have already started writing, I have no doubt that they would have become hits. He never left the stage, preparing a new program. He thought that after the quarantine he would record them, make them officially known, he already had music and lyrics, “said the interlocutor.

At this point, Eugene’s mother barely manages to accept sympathy from friends, colleagues, and fans. The phone is not silenced every day. The woman consoles herself only by the fact that she was indeed loved, despite the scandals described by the media.

“A lot of people write and call. A lot. Everyone who has interacted with him will agree with me that he was very sincere, calm and helpful. He has created so many beautiful songs and so many hits:” Dviratukas “,” Atostogaut “,” Čigonėlė ” , “Auksiniai bateliai”, “Sena pabieda” … I think a rare artist in Lithuania has so many hits. And he wrote hits for others – to Romas Dambrauskas “The wind blows”, Laima Žemaityte “April my white you”, “Dear goodbye “,” Without you, etc. “- he named.

Eugene Ostapenko

Eugene Ostapenko

© Photo from personal album

Transferred the royalty, gave the promise

The unexpected loss of the theater star affected not only Eugene’s family, but also friends, colleagues, and fans. About this singer with his memories along with Delphi Vytautas Mikaitis, the host of the event who worked with him, shared.

Vytautas, the founder of the non-existent Pravaturas travel agency, is well known on social media. In addition to online activities, it hosts real music shows and festivals, which both pop artists and popular music fans are eager to gather.

V. Mikaitis kept in contact with E. Ostapenko. He found the other side of his personality in a face-to-face meeting with the performer, and the fact that the audience was eagerly awaiting his songs allowed him to see it for himself at Pravalfest.

Master is gone! – The sadness in social networks was not hidden by V. Mikaitis. – I still want to believe that this is a very poor joke. Eugene’s relatives confirmed several times that Eugene Ostapenko died this morning of heart failure.

“I’m a super megastar,” the teacher told me laughing in the autumn in Smiltyne. Although I knew very little about him, I got to know him differently that afternoon than we were all used to seeing!

Eugene was looking forward to seeing Pravalfeste again. With him, we plan to release a new hit in early May! We do not have a quality file, I hope it is still implemented. Let’s remember it only from the good side. Everything else does not matter.

The bicycle stopped. Rest in peace, master.


Pravalfest festival moments

© Organizers

V. Mikaitis added a sensitive memory about the deceased singer in another post on social networks.

“Eugene absolutely dominated the audience! In Pravalfeste, people escaped from the tents after hearing the first note of the teacher’s song! We had already agreed with Eugene that he would appear this year as well, but … But I promise you that his songs will continue to play at the festival, without Eugene, but we will remember him as he belongs!

“Every song of mine is a hit!” Eugene said in the fall. With no quarantined concerts, he sent greetings to people. He used to say to me, “Vytai, I don’t have time now. I have three greetings.” For whatever reason, he devoted the whole day to it. Receiving 30 euros each, he supported himself and his family.

We owe it to Eugene for the unforgettable evenings and the songs we put out at every dance. In gratitude, I have already paid Eugene’s mother the full fee for the next Eugene Festival.

I don’t expect Eugene’s mother to be able to get support anywhere other than our community at this difficult time. For this reason, for the “Bicycle”, for the “Golden Shoes”, for the “Old Song”, for “There will be no marriage” and many more can be thanked, “announced the host and organizer of the event, offering his support the relatives of the victim.

An unexpected death was also reported on Facebook

Unexpected news about the artist’s death also appeared on E. Ostapenko’s personal Facebook account.

“Eugene Ostapenko died on April 14, 2021 at 5:30 a.m. from heart failure,” the record says.

Delphi Contacting the singer’s mother, Lubov, confirmed the sad message.

“Yes, Eugene died this morning,” the woman said.

Delphi Contacting E. Ostapenko’s colleague, the singer Aida Manik, also assured him of the sad news when she heard it from the singer’s mother.

“It just came to our notice then. Mom herself posted the message on the Facebook wall. When I saw him in the morning I called her mom for the first time, who confirmed it. As a colleague, all I can say is that I’m very sorry. the loss because he was a talented person. I extend my condolences to his family, “he said.

Eugene Ostapenko.  Golden onions 2008, Šiauliai Arena.

Eugene Ostapenko. Golden Onions 2008, Šiauliai Arena.

© Photo Day

The singer of the hits “Dviratukas”, “Atostogaut”, “Čigonėlė” has been living through a stormy time lately: he liked to have fun, he had several problems with the police. The moments of his personal life in social life were followed by thousands of Internet users with whom the singer shared both joys and sorrows.

E. Ostapenko was born in 1976. on November 24.

He began his musical career when he was a child. His debut solo album was released in 2004.

Eugenijus has composed songs for famous Lithuanian performers: Romas Dambrauskas (“The Wind Blows”), Gytis Paškevičius (“Na beregu”), Laima Žemaityte (“April is my white you”, “Dear goodbye”, “Without you, etc. “).

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