Saulius Skvernelis’ faction suggests that only a court could prevent the rally


The parliamentarians propose to eliminate the provisions that require the event to be coordinated in the municipality, leaving this function to examine the request of the rally organizers.

The law would be an additional provision that the director of the municipal administration could apply to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania to restrict the freedom of assembly if there is reason to believe that public or state security, public order, health or human morality or others rights and freedoms will be violated.

It is proposed that said complaint be processed no later than 48 hours after its presentation.

“The bill proposes to abandon the procedure for coordinating notices of organized meetings currently established in the Assemblies Act, and also to establish that the constitutional right of Lithuanian citizens to freedom of assembly can only be restricted by a court,” they write. the initiators. in the explanatory note.

According to parliamentarians, “recent events have clearly demonstrated that inconsistencies in decisions about the place, time and form of meetings and offers to go to court unduly restrict the right of individuals to choose peaceful assemblies without weapons. and artificially create additional bureaucratic obstacles to the exercise of their rights and freedoms. “

The initiators mention the decision of the Vilnius city municipality not to issue a permit for the demonstration of the Family Movement near the Seimas and the decision of the Kaunas city municipality not to allow marches of sexual minorities.

Subsequently, the family movement rally was coordinated, the organizers moving it to the Cathedral and reducing the number of participants, and the LGBTQ + community march was held when the municipality ordered the municipality to coordinate the event.
