Saulius Skvernelis congratulates for the end of the quarantine: it is a victory for humanity


The prime minister addressed the people of Lithuania on Tuesday, thanking them for their responsibility and patience, but urging them not to lose vigilance.

“Dear Lithuanian people,

Exactly three months of quarantine have passed. Probably nobody could have imagined what threatening situation we would face and what urgent and difficult decisions we would have to make.

Tomorrow, June 17, the legal quarantine regime in Lithuania will end.

We go out slowly, cautiously, trying to avoid additional risks to our health and our lives.

VIDEO: Prime Minister congratulates the public on the end of the quarantine

The country will maintain a declared statewide emergency so that all agencies can respond in an instant if the virus strikes again. It is also necessary so that we can compensate for the losses that people suffer as a result of this extraordinary crisis, “explains the Prime Minister.

S. Skvernelis thanks the people of the country for their understanding, responsibility, patience and citizenship, and emphasizes that it was the people themselves who avoided the sad scenario of the coronavirus in Lithuania.

“This is the victory of Lithuania. The victory of humanity.

I want to make it clear: we will do everything possible to minimize the damage you have suffered.

On behalf of the Government, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the staff of our medical institutions, officials, pharmacists, cashiers, drivers, representatives of the communications sector, social workers, employers and volunteers. For all those who made sure that there was no shortage of basic goods and services. His contribution to the fight against the virus is invaluable.

A huge thanks to our socialists who came to the aid of the state when they needed it most. He has been in help lines, taking care of the most vulnerable, organizing security and logistics acquisitions, actions that deserve great respect and gratitude.

We understand that the service and tourism sectors, artists and everyone else whose activities have been restricted are still going through difficult times today. Unfortunately, uncertainty and instability have accompanied and continue to accompany many Lithuanians.

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

I want to make it clear: we will do everything possible to minimize the damage you have suffered. The state is trying to get there. We cannot allow “forgotten” people to remain in the country. The wise infusion of additional finance into the country’s economy is the main task for the next six months, “says S. Skvernelis.

“It is not a sprint, it is a marathon. We can only run it successfully by supporting our businesses and those who create jobs by paying taxes fairly. The state spent budget money responsibly for three years and built up a reserve. So Therefore, today we have the funds not only to provide essential medical equipment, but also to help the country’s businesses.

Yes, there are those who say that the state could have reacted faster. Maybe, but we got into this situation without clear instructions on how to behave, what mechanisms will work and what will be hopelessly blocked. These are life lessons for each of us, “says the Prime Minister.

According to him, the COVID-19 challenge has led to the creation of a new DNA for the country’s economy. A € 6.5bn long-term economic recovery plan has been prepared, aiming at a more competitive, productive and efficient Lithuania.

We live in a new reality in which we must remain attentive to ourselves and to others. Weigh the risks before traveling or attending larger meetings.

“At the same time, it is an opportunity to focus on all politicians and to demonstrate that we are capable not only of competing in political struggles, but also of working together for the benefit of the Lithuanian people.” Here I want to address my colleagues with a request to do just that, ”says S. Skvernelis.

According to the Prime Minister, the war with the pandemic remains undefeated, since millions of people are still infected in the world, hundreds of thousands die. However, today, according to S. Skvernelis, Lithuania is ready.

“However, the best protection for all of us is the conscience of every Lithuanian resident. We live in a new reality in which we must remain attentive to ourselves and to others. Weigh the risks before traveling or attending larger meetings. Let’s keep the acquired habits of using, disinfecting and sanitizing the protective equipment Let us isolate if we suspect that we are infected.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that concern for the health of others in no way provides a pretext for social exclusion. Let’s take care of those who may be most affected by the virus. Let’s take care of our parents, grandparents, older members of our community. Let us take care and protect, maintaining humanity and a close social connection.

Dear compatriots, the threat of the coronavirus has brought our nation closer. May this connection last, help us to finally defeat the virus and heal all remaining wounds.

I wish you all a beautiful and safe summer! Let’s continue to be responsible and don’t give the virus a second chance in Lithuania, “says S. Skvernelis.
