Šapoka: budget deficit expected next year


“The deficit will be within common sense so that the debt / GDP ratio can change course and return to a downward trend as soon as possible,” Shapoka said.

According to him, increased spending next year is possible only in a highly weighted way, only when it comes to the most vulnerable sectors of society, so it is necessary to curb the growth of unnecessary spending and provide funds for investment in the future and innovation.

Last week Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the Peasants, told reporters that the budget for 2021 would be surplus and socially oriented. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis stressed that next year’s budget will be safe, responsible and socially oriented.

Lithuania’s 2020 Stability Program approved by the government in late April foresees that the general government deficit in 2021 should amount to between 2.4 and 3.9 percent. GDP and general government debt: from 47.9 percent. up to 52.7 percent. GDP.

The draft budget of the state and municipalities for 2021, the State Social Security Fund and the Obligatory Health Insurance Fund will be submitted to this Seimas, but the final decisions will be made by the parliamentarians of the new legislature.
