Santara clinics ask for help: there will be a shortage of beds for patients with COVID-19 in a few days


“The number of patients increases every day, today we can say a critical situation with patients, because our (bed occupancy – ELTA) has already exceeded 70 percent, we have reached 80 percent. bed occupancy, ”said A. Bilotienė – Motiejūnienė, Managing Director of Santara Clinics.

According to the director of the Santara clinics, given the situation in recent days, it is necessary to have support hospitals and extra beds in them, because, according to her, the beds will be available in the coming days.

According to her, so far the highest hopes are pinned on the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital (VMKL).

“We spoke with the director of VMKL, of course, there should be a reorganization of certain services and their beds. According to the director, it would take 4 to 5 business days, which, in our opinion, is enough, ”he said.

“We hope that even this joint work, common idea and volunteering will help us in part to avoid having to wait long, because we have to have extra beds before the holidays,” he added.

A. According to Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė, the additional beds were discussed with the Ukmerg hospital hospital.

“The Deputy Director of Medicine of the Ukmergė Hospital agreed that, if necessary, he could contribute to the common cause in the region in the amount of 10 beds. As you know, 10 beds is not a salvation, which is currently 10-12 beds. a day, but we would still be calm in that region, “he said.

Visgi A. Bilotienė – Motiejūnienė emphasizes that Santara’s own clinics are trying to reorganize their work and find additional beds.

“Apparently, we would dedicate the part of the isolation rooms that we have today in the Emergency Medical Center to patients with COVID-19, so that general and severe patients are not left without help in the Vilnius region,” he emphasized.

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