Samogitian helpers are on duty in supermarkets: they offer to tighten their belts even for the biggest ones, they want to make a list of products


Although small entrepreneurs are not prohibited from doing business, they argue that doing business without contact or online is virtually impossible. R. Žemaitaitis also agrees with this. “It is a serious violation of the Constitution. It is a pity that today I am a member of the Seimas and I do not work in my direct position as a lawyer. I would take care of defending small and medium-sized entrepreneurs”, said R. Žemaitaitis in the program “¿¿ Are you serious? “.

The Seimas member said he was surprised by the position of the new Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė. “I find the position of Aušrinė Armonaitė, my good friend and fellow minister, strange. He says:” I made a secret purchase, everything is fine. “That is, if the minister has time to make secret purchases, I don’t know what she is doing in the ministry, ”said R. Žemaitaitis.

The member of the Seimas affirmed that “the small and medium enterprises are today on the verge of collapse.”

Even the government of Saulius Skvernelis recovered after three weeks, he realized that he had bent his staff and then allowed trade, allowed trade with certain distances. Or not for everyone, not for everyone ”, said the parliamentarian and gave an example. – Kelmė, the main street, is a famous big shopping center in Lithuania, there is a flower shop across the street. Today she can’t work and you can buy flowers at the same supermarket.

The MP elected to the Seimas by residents of Kelmė, Šilutė and Šilalė claimed that assistants who lived there helped him monitor the situation in these cities. “We estimate that about 700 people visited the mall per hour, while at that time two people visited the Ingrida store per hour. Exactly the same in Šilalė, now and in Šilutė, the volunteer assistants are monitoring this situation. We are gathering information because I believe there will be litigation in any case. I would suggest and suggest that the government approve a list of two or three hundred essential foods and others. Once approved, that list could be purchased. And everything else? Let’s put up with it for a few weeks. WHO? We are going to die. Will we not suffer? I think we will tolerate it, said the MP. – Does anyone have toilet paper? Has anyone run out of toothpaste? You’ll wake up for a few weeks without that toothpaste. Nothing will happen. “

After verifying whether R. Žemaitaitis actually sent his assistants to stand guard in supermarkets and count the number of customers who visited them, the parliamentarian said:. He’s sitting outside in the car and he can see this. The situation is abnormal, I suggest looking at what is happening in the regions. “

The MP added once again that he really cannot imagine the entire transition from small and medium-sized businesses to the online space. “I would suggest relaxing, as the conservatives said out loud. I would definitely suggest taking a break. I wonder how online shopping at Kelmė could work. Could grandma order washing powder online? Baikit laughing. Her grandson successfully goes to the Supermarket in Kelmė, buys chemicals and takes them to Užvenčiai, Karklėnai, Palinkis or other settlements. This is how we bring that zaraz. Let’s think about what we do, “a Seimas member resented.

Every week, Are you serious ?, discuss the most important and exciting news of the week. The problems of small and medium-sized companies are only one of the ten stories that Seimas member R. Žemaitaitis spoke about.

Another issue is Gintarė Gurevičiūtė’s behavior on social media. He stated that he would not comply with the quarantine restrictions and that he would get a coronavirus test just before the holidays and would go to Marijampolė to celebrate with his family. His behavior enraged his fans and a media scandal ensued.

When evaluating such behavior of G. Gurevičiūtė, R. Žemaitaitis said: “I would like to wish all the followers of Gintarė Gurevičiūtė to block her, companies, companies, institutions that request her services, that she advertises so that she does not provide more and, for therefore show solidarity with the Lithuanian people. “

You can find the whole conversation in the recording of the show “Are you serious?”

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