SAM Vice Minister: The use of masks can be returned if there will be 5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants


Biruta Zdanevičienė, an adviser to the Communicable Disease Management Division of the Vilnius Department of NVSC, said at a press conference at the ministry on Monday that the first wave has not ended.

“It just came to our attention then. We are very calm, we believe that everything, but the virus is not disappearing anywhere, it is among us, it is intervening,” he said.

B. Zdanevičienė said that you can see that people are relaxed, they don’t protect themselves, although it is very important to observe distances and hygiene.

“We are waiting for the second wave later,” said the NVSC representative.

When asked what causes the increase in the number of cases in recent days, B. Zdanevičienė said that several cases are imported.

Traveling also does that dirty work.

“Two returned from Croatia, they already had contact with a patient. Traveling also does that dirty work,” he emphasized.

Mandatory skins can come back quickly

At the press conference, the Deputy Minister of Health, Kristina Garuolienė, said that the masks will be returned in case the morbidity rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 5.

According to data from last Friday, this indicator is 2.8.

“There is a government protocol decision that the problem of wearing masks will be solved the day that indicator is reached, then a decision will be made,” he explained.

The total morbidity rate is calculated taking data from 14 days.

“Decisions about conducting paid investigations are being prepared, we plan to expand the scope of paid investigation, we want to expand employers’ obligations to conduct investigations,” said the Deputy Minister.

According to the Vice Minister, more laboratories are needed to carry out more research; this is being dealt with now.

According to the deputy minister, the foreign statistics are significantly worse, therefore he does not want to accept that the first wave in Lithuania is not yet under control and has not ended. According to her, the first wave was controlled, but isolated cases were recorded.

“It just came to our attention then. After several days of investigation, they are related to outbreaks, or we can say from where, we cannot call it the second wave,” he asked if the increase in cases is already the second wave, “said K. Garuolienė .

According to her, although there were a series of cases of the disease during the weekend, the situation is under control because they are related to established cases or are imported. He emphasized that decisions about the coronavirus would be made regularly at the government’s COVID-19 group meeting and that decisions could be made to manage the situation if necessary.

This year is not suitable for traveling.

The country’s chief epidemiologist, Loreta Ašoklienė, recalled that it is currently not possible to come to Lithuania from 6 countries, and citizens of our country who have returned from these countries need self-isolation. Spain and Iceland, she says, are countries with a high incidence.

“We are preparing for the second wave, we believe it will be, but we will not know what it will be,” he emphasized.

According to the epidemiologist, this year is not suitable for travel. She emphasized that no one can guarantee that returning from vacation will not require self-isolation, as this depends on the epidemiological situation in the countries, which is changing.

A series of import cases

Four cases of coronavirus confirmed in the last day are imported, eight infected at work or at home have been in contact with people who are already sick, the circumstances of the infection are still unknown in three people, the Center said Monday. National Public Health (NVSC).

According to NVSC, two import cases have been identified in Vilnius County.

“Two people returned to Lithuania from Croatia on July 2. On July 11, they attended a family celebration. The first symptoms occurred on July 13 for one person and on July 15 for the other,” the report said.

According to public health experts, after the celebration, a participant who was also found to have not visited the foreigner recently was also ill and is therefore believed to have been infected by returnees from Croatia.

Two other import cases were also detected in Vilnius County: the infected returned from Bulgaria on July 12.

“On July 13, people experienced symptoms of a coronavirus infection, so they were kept isolated at all times. A contact person has been identified,” reports NVSC.

The remaining seven cases related to people already ill were confirmed in Vilnius, Utena, Panevėžys and Kaunas counties.

In Vilnius County, the coronavirus was detected in a person who worked for a transport company. You have been in contact with people previously diagnosed with COVID-19 disease.
