SAM: Testing at mobile points will only be possible if necessary


This means that the mobile points will investigate:

  • People who experience at least one of the symptoms of an acute respiratory infection;

  • People who have been treated at home for a mild form of coronavirus (to confirm recovery when they have a medical referral);

  • People undergoing planned medical interventions other than dental and oral care services. They must be examined no earlier than 48 hours. until service is rendered;

  • Patients are hospitalized on a scheduled basis. They must be examined no earlier than 48 hours. until hospitalization;

  • People admitted to social assistance institutions for long or short-term care. They must be examined no earlier than 24 hours before admission to said establishment;

  • People who return from abroad. They can be tested at any mobile point within 48 hours. since he crossed the Lithuanian border.

According to the representative of the Ministry Neringa Mikėnaitė, due to the flow of people who want to have the prophylactic test, the mobile points have been very busy recently, therefore, the objective is to carry out the investigation for those who need it most.

“The goal is to target the target groups at mobile points. Because it happened that a large crowd of people began to turn. After all, the mobile points were created to investigate those suspected of having an infection,” he said.

Those who wish to undergo a preventive examination may do so at institutions designated by the municipalities (polyclinics or hospitals), they do not need to go to a mobile point in another municipality specifically for a preventive examination.

It is true that it has been established that preventive investigations can continue to be carried out at mobile points in the municipalities where they are located, only before it is necessary to coordinate with the point coordinator. In this case, in order not to overload the Corona Hotline 1808, you will need to register by submitting playlists in advance.

According to Health Minister Aurelius Veryga, Head of State Emergency Operations, the decision was made after evaluating loads at the mobile points and the Korona hotline, which has received tens of thousands of calls a day in recent weeks.

“With the release of the quarantine conditions, more and more people want to be screened preventively, so they take time at mobile points, which can be vital for a person with symptoms.” The changes will help ensure that those who need to be tested for coronavirus are left vacant as soon as possible, when waiting is risky for their health or even their lives, “says Minister A.Veryga.
