SAM shared the key requirements during Easter: what do you need to know?


1. From 2021 March 27 00:00 until 2021 April 6 24:00 In Lithuania, the movement of people between municipalities is restricted, except in cases where:
1.1. to the municipality of your place of residence;
1.2. to a municipality other than that of your place of residence due to the death of close relatives;
1.3. work (for commercial purposes) when the workplace is in another municipality;
1.4. to or from international passenger routes to or from airports, seaports, bus stations;
1.5. about health services;
1.6. in urgent cases in which it is necessary to provide assistance, care for the sick or unable to care for themselves;
1.7. when people living in the adjacent municipalities of Alytus city and district, Kaunas city and district, Klaipėda city and district, Panevėžys city and district, Šiauliai city and district, the city and district of Vilnius, move between the indicated adjacent municipalities;
1.8. for other objectively justified reasons of urgency, when travel to a municipality other than the one in which you reside is unavoidable.
This restriction does not apply to people who are members of the same family or a household and move to a municipality other than the one in which they reside, where they own real estate owned by one of the members of the family or household.
2. In closed public spaces and vehicles, other than urban, interurban and suburban regular passenger vehicles or vehicles that travel to or from the workplace, they will not exceed 2 people or a family and / or a member of the household. In open public spaces, people cannot be more than 5 people or groups of two families and / or members of two households.
When visiting cognitive and educational trails, parks, museums, galleries and other exhibition spaces, zoos and botanical gardens in open outdoor areas, there should be no more than 5 groups of people, except members of two families and / or two households .
3. People over 6 years of age should wear protective equipment (masks, respirators or other devices) that cover the face and completely cover the nose and mouth (hereinafter, masks) in public places. This requirement does not apply to:
3.1. people when they play sports;
3.2. during the provision of the service, when the service cannot be provided while the recipient of the service is wearing a mask;
3.3. people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or whose use could endanger the health of a person. These people are recommended to wear a face shield;
3.4. in open spaces where there are no other persons other than family members within 2 meters (spouse or person with whom a registered partnership has been signed), children (adopted), including minor children of the person and their spouse or person with whom a registered partnership has been established, parents (adoptive parents, guardians);
4. Close contact with more than one family and / or household is prohibited, except for:
4.1. close contacts between two families and / or two households, if one of them has no more than one adult or no more than one adult and their minor children (adopted, adoptive), or a person who needs constant care and attention. Those close family members and / or household members are prohibited from having close contact with other people at work and elsewhere;
4.3. close contacts between two families and / or two households in open spaces;
4.4. emergencies that require assistance, care for the sick or unable to care for themselves;
5. It is forbidden to organize personal celebrations in public and private spaces if more than one family and / or one household participate in them, except for celebrations in open spaces where no more than two families and / or two households participate;
6. It is forbidden to leave the place of residence, except in the case of travel, to the place of commerce, to or from international passenger routes to or from airports, seaports, bus stations, to a property owned by the owner. to a funeral, for medical care and other services or for objectively justified reasons, when travel is absolutely necessary, when walking in open spaces, and when traveling with people who are sick or unable to care for themselves.

SAM recommends:
7. Limit the number of purchases in stores as little as possible. If possible, use the home delivery service. In all stores, markets and other public outlets and places of service so that people from the same family and / or household can visit them one by one. When shopping, keep a safe distance from others, wear a mask, disinfect your hands, follow cough and sneeze etiquette, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap when you return home.
8. People most at risk of developing severe COVID-19 should not visit or visit stores, pharmacies, churches or other public places as infrequently as possible, avoid public transportation. Ask family, friends or neighbors to take care of food and other necessary means, order food or necessary means from a distance, if it is possible to use the home delivery service, in case of such possibility, request the municipal administration the provision of said services.
9. For persons subject to mandatory isolation, strictly follow the isolation rules throughout the isolation period.
10. Wash your hands as often as possible with soap and water, soaking them for at least 20 seconds. If hand washing is not possible, use hand sanitizers (disinfectants). Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
11. Ventilate the dwellings as often as possible, clean them in a damp way, frequently touching the surfaces of the living space, such as door handles, table tops, faucet handles, remote controls, refrigerator handles, etc. clean with normal soapy water or conventional surface cleaners.
12. If you feel or have acute signs of upper respiratory tract infections (eg fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.), stay home and consult the Coronavir hotline tel. 1808 or contact your family doctor for a consultation.
13. Use the mask so that it completely covers the mouth and nose, do not reuse disposable masks, throw away used masks after each use.

Important! Wearing masks in public places is a complex measure, along with other preventive measures, including keeping your distance, limiting social contacts, staying home sick, teleworking when possible, breathing etiquette, thorough hand hygiene, and touching the face, nose and eyes. , and Boca.

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