SAM proposes to prohibit the grouping of more than two, not to allow trade in temporary places


At that time, the ban on advertising sales and other sales promotions promised on Monday by acting health minister Aurelius Veryga would be presented as a recommendation, the ministry suggested.

“Taking into account the unfavorable epidemiological situation of the coronavirus infection in Lithuania (…), it is proposed to reduce the number of people gathered in public places and others from 5 to 2 people,” states the draft resolution.

The Ministry also emphasizes that at the beginning of the festive period, many commercial establishments host Christmas fairs, in which various merchants trade not in physical stores but in temporary stores.
at points of sale, where large flows of buyers congregate and it is difficult to guarantee compliance with the requirements.

“It is proposed to prohibit all stores, supermarkets and service points from selling at temporary points of sale (except food, pyrotechnics and commercial islands), that is, when they are not in physically separate stores but, for example, in supermarkets common, similarly, “said the ministry.

The Ministry also recommends recommending the use of short-term sales promotions in stores, supermarkets, marketplaces and other public outlets and service points, that is, sales, discount hours, tastings and other measures that increase the flow of buyers. and visitors at a certain time. This would not apply to online trading.

The second quarantine for the rapid spread of the coronavirus in Lithuania was introduced on November 7 for three weeks, but lasted until mid-December without the situation improving. During quarantine, swarming is prohibited, it is necessary to wear masks in public places, cafes, bars, restaurants and other places of entertainment, health and recreation services are not open. The restrictions also apply to healthcare, retail outlets, educational institutions, public transportation, and other areas.

The government has allowed small groups of people to open museums, galleries and tours since December 10, but does not rule out that the decision could be changed.
