SAM and some doctors’ honeymoon is over: demands higher wages, threatens strikes


The member of Seimas Linas Slušnys did not hide that he was surprised by the intention of the opposition to convene a session, since, according to the interpretation of the Legal Department of the Seimas, the interests of medical personnel in the interference of politicians in the negotiations between the Government and doctors could be harmed.

In principle, today’s meeting cannot be held, because due to the intervention of politicians, it may be that one of the parties, that is, the Government, has the right to withdraw from the negotiations. What are we going to do here today? It seems strange to me that the opposition is so interested in harming the doctors and thus intervening and removing the government from the negotiations, which would be a perfectly legitimate act. It’s hard for me to understand, “he said.

He also suggested that such a meeting should not take place at all. Aurelijus Veryga reacted to L. Slušnis’ comments and said that it was strange for him to hear statements that someone was going to be molested.

“Now I understand who needed those few days and that reasonable time frame (meeting was delayed a couple of days, aut. Past). On Monday, we probably would have heard a completely different story and now it’s organized, ready, discussed, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t think anyone has the right to stop anything, “asked A. Veryga.

Although there were still fears that the negotiations could be undermined, the meeting took place after the opposition reminded the commission of its duty of parliamentary scrutiny.

Requested contract renewal

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys commented that the current objective is to achieve “more favorable economic and social conditions and additional guarantees for health professionals than those established in the current Code.”

The director of the Lithuanian Medical Association, L. Labanauskas, commented on this in 2018. August 31 The unions that signed the collective agreement of the national branch asked the government in February to renew the collective agreement of the branch. He said that request was accepted and was meant to be fulfilled.

“It is interesting that during the government reception our four unions and the Solidarumas union presented themselves. Others showed up later, but we really don’t have a problem with that. On March 4, by order of the Minister, a negotiating team was formed to carry out negotiations with the unions, Vice Minister Živilė Simonaitytė was appointed director and, according to the Labor Code, (…) on March 26. a meeting of all unions was organized. As there were more, four working groups were formed. (…) Consequently, until March 26. everything went according to the law, nobody raised problems ”, assured L. Labanauskas.

Liutauras Labanauskas

Liutauras Labanauskas

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

However, he said, there was silence on April 9. their four unions received the news that contract renewal negotiations would not begin with them.

“Of course, there were no important explanations, but we listened to an oral explanation the entire time that the Government has decided and clarified that there should be only one industry contract. (…) The negotiating director was also changed and on April 12. We have heard that all unions must be “pushed” into one place, which even violates an article of the Constitution.

(…) Finally we appealed that it was not a negotiation, it was just a conversation, and we still ask to call a meeting of our parties present on the collective labor dispute in accordance with the law ”.

According to L. Labanauskas, on April 26. They received a response that the ministry refuses to call such a meeting, and after requesting several more times and receiving negative responses, there is only one strike.

Nerijus Kasiliauskas, representing these unions, assured that, like political parties, unions are not obliged to present a position and have the right to negotiate separately.

“If the nine organizations do not find a common denominator because they have to be one of the parties in the negotiations, then the new labor code has resolved it by signing those that agree because the collective agreement does not interfere with the field of the other.

Contrary to what the Legal Department says, a collective agreement applies only to its members. (…) All the more as a consequence of the signing of two collective agreements, the budgetary and the public, since it is also impossible to combine the budgetary and public bodies ».

Denied the accusations

Eglė Butkevičienė, Deputy Head of the SAM Negotiating Working Group, commented that two preparatory negotiating meetings have already taken place. May 3, finally, a negotiated meeting was held on the signing of a sectoral collective agreement.

“I would like to point out that the ministry operates within the limits of the powers granted to it by the Government. The pre-trial meetings took place on March 9. and March 26, so the statement of that March 26. the negotiations ended is not true, since it was a meeting prior to the negotiation. During the meeting, the two parties, both the ministry and the employers, as well as the union organizations that presented themselves, jointly discussed the possibility of signing a collective agreement. One or more (…) depending on previous practice and mandate. “

According to her, the proposal was such that it could be a single industrial collective agreement with general conditions and covering special conditions that would apply to employees of budgetary, public institutions and emergency medical services.

This option has been considered, recorded in the minutes and agreed by all the parties present at the first meeting. Among them was the revered Liutaur. The second meeting took place on Monday, May 3, during which the parties to the collective bargaining resolved other related issues.

I must admit that the negotiation process itself is not as straightforward as it could be. There may be disagreements between the unions themselves, but certainly most of them are willing to reconcile their interests with the aim of achieving a unified and representative position for the country. “

SAM and some doctors' honeymoon is over: demands higher wages, threatens strikes

© Vidmantas Balkūnas

He noted that the negotiation process was ongoing and that two negotiation meetings had already been held, during which the interests of the parties were reconciled. However, L. Labanauskas contradicted such statements and emphasized that the two meetings could not be convened under negotiation, and the lawyer explained that there could be several collective agreements, and he himself did not agree with that. After all, they never produced any joint documents, just their joining document, and no contract was signed.

R. Žemaitaitis asked why there was a delay until the last day when it was possible to form a dispute commission and, at the same time, asked who concluded that negotiations with only one union can be carried out and that there should be only one collective agreement .

“We have a letter on the position of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, which sets out the position on the subject under consideration. (…) Of course, and during those two pre-trial meetings we tried to clarify whether a single collective agreement should be concluded and, therefore, taking into account the position presented by both the Government and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, it was concluded that the ministry still has the power to negotiate and sign a single industry collective agreement. “

Aušra Putk, spokesperson for Social Dialogue in the Ministry of Social Affairs, said they had said the goal should be to sign a collective agreement for the industry.

“It is also established in our national collective agreement in 2021 that unions ask for a collective agreement. For this reason, like SAM, we are committed to making this information public in negotiations so that all unions know and can present themselves. It also exists. the argument that the national health system is one. Nor does the legal regulation of another of these arguments (…) foresee the possibility of adhering to an existing contract. Currently, the agreements with the budgetary ones have expired, so there are many opportunities to reach a single-sector collective agreement. The government also authorized the conclusion of a contract. “

Kovido additives may require 200 million. euros

Arvydas Dambrauskas, representative of the United Republican Union, said that because of the Lithuanian Medical Union, negotiations are now delayed and the union itself does not come to negotiate either. According to him, this union should negotiate separately with the ministry. Jolanta Keburienė, president of the Solidarumas union, recalled that the requirement that SAM adhere to a branch agreement is not a new practice, but a practice already applied by the previous government.

“However, we must lower the ambitions of the people we represent, agree and agree on a unified agreement, as both the Government and the businessmen have expressed. It cannot be said that the negotiations are not taking place, they are simply our disagreements as unions. (…) In fact, there is an agreement that salaries must rise and funds must be provided for this. At this point, I would really like to ask the rulers and the opposition to find these funds. Otherwise, we do not see the sense of signing contracts if they are not implemented, “he said.

Veryga executives have been criticized for signing the current collective agreement with a light hand himself, and neither in 2019 nor 2020. January 1, no service fees were charged. Also, at that time, the Lithuanian Medical Union led by L. Labanauskas was silent, but “woke up” only in 2020. at the end, when no money was provided for medical staff when the budget was approved. Violeta Grigienė, representative of the Lithuanian Medical Leaders Union, said that the negotiations were really ongoing.

Speaking of money, A. Dulkys said in several sentences that currently the need to increase the salaries of employees of personal health care institutions is significantly greater than the possibilities of the existing Compulsory Medical Insurance (PSD).

“It just came to our attention then. Certainly I speak very correctly, but it must be recognized that they were never directly budgeted. If something was done, and indeed it was done, let’s be objective, because there were also increases in medical salaries in previous years, but this it was done with reserves or with the institutions’ own internal resources. However, it was not up to the State to show in good faith in the budget what was really needed for the implementation of that agreement. “

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to him, it can now be seen that the circumstances of the second quarantine have changed and it is assumed that if it lasted about six months, then the need for planned resources only for covid additives has increased and would require about 200 million. euros.

“I want to say responsibly that the government will make sure of that, but it is just a matter of a pandemic. It is very wise to ask that we have an agreement in which all things can be seen directly in the budget. All participants would feel safe,” explained.

After listening to all the speakers, Mr. Veryga assured that SAM must nevertheless listen to the fears of the unions and establish a conflict commission to prevent strikes. Asta Kubilienė wished him patience, because he believes that SAM is implementing the Prime Minister’s instruction that there will still be no money to increase medical salaries.

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