Salvini, Orban and Morawieckis agreed to create a new force in the European Parliament


This alliance will be better than the main conservative group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) in the European Parliament.

Hungarian nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose party recently withdrew from the center-right European People’s Party (EPP), met with Polish and Italian populists to discuss the possibility of new alliances.

“We will establish a new platform, organization, process to give the citizens of traditional Europe the representation they deserve,” Orban said before a meeting in Budapest with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and former Italian Interior Minister Salvini.

After the meeting, the Hungarian Prime Minister welcomed “the first step in a long common journey”.

“We have agreed to continue working. We will meet in Rome or Warsaw in May, the date will depend on the pandemic,” Orban said during a joint press conference.

Side by side, Salvini, leader of the Italian far-right League, spoke of “the path that begins today, which will continue in various stages in different European capitals, with the expansion of the alliance.”

“We present ourselves as a historical and founder [šio aljanso] nuclear, promising hope after the darkest period since World War II ”, added Salvini, although at this stage no one was talking about reshaping the European parties.

The Polish prime minister, for his part, said he plans to represent “a wide range of opinions and people.”

He came out in favor of “European integration, respect for national sovereignty, the family, Christianity” and the defense of “traditional” values.

“Very different interests”

Orban’s Fidesz party left the EPP last month. Two weeks earlier, the party withdrew from the EPP group in the European Parliament.

The move ended years of debate within the EPP over whether Fidesz could remain in the alliance, given the frequent allegations against Orban about the rule of law.

After Fidesz withdrew from the EPP, Orban began exploring new alliances, and his attention immediately turned to Morawieckis’ conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) and Eurosceptic Salvini, who spoke out strongly against immigration.

However, PiS and Salvini’s League belong to different groups in the European Parliament.

Salvini said Tuesday that the goal of the talks was “to create a common charter of values, principles and future goals.”

According to him, if right-wing political forces outside the EPP were to unite, they would have the second largest group in the European Parliament after the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and could have significant influence.

Daniele Albertazzi, a political scientist at the University of Birmingham, said she did not rule out that PiS, Fidesz and Salvini’s League could form a joint group in the European Parliament, adding: “There are strong practical and financial incentives for this.”

According to Albertazzi, such a union is possible despite ideological differences between right-wing political forces on certain issues.

“They can talk about the EU in the same way: that it has too much power. However, when it comes to things like receiving asylum seekers, … [olandų] The interests of the PVV (Freedom Party) and V. Orban are very different from those of M. Salvini ”, said the political scientist.

Morawieckis also hinted that he would like the League and Fidesz to join the group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).

The ECR “perfectly upholds general principles and normality,” said the Polish prime minister.

The Italian League belongs to the right-wing populist faction Identidad y Democracia.

Previous attempts to unite nationalist and far-right political forces in the European Parliament have been unsuccessful.

Immediately after the meeting of V. Orban, M. Morawieckis and M. Salvini in Budapest, the president of the EPP, Donald Tuskas from Poland, wrote on the social network Twitter: “Russia is concentrating its forces around Ukraine … In Budapest, Political Bloc of M. Morawieckis. It’s not a liar’s day joke. “

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