Sad record: 3,737 confirmed coronavirus cases in Lithuania per day, 50 people died, 1,523 – recovered


Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic of the last day

Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 3,737

Total number of confirmed cases in specific individuals: 120 094

Number of deaths from Covid-19 registered the previous day: 50

Total number of deaths registered by Covid-19: 1,143

Number of deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 572

Number of people recovered in the last day: 1523

Number of people who recovered: 55,926

Number of people with coronavirus: 62,453

Yesterday samples of suspected coronavirus were analyzed: 14,382

To date, a total of 1,541,668 samples have been tested for suspected coronavirus.

A new confirmed case of coronavirus from 1871 was reported Tuesday, with 54 deaths, the highest daily death rate since the pandemic began.

The presidency says the first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be available to several thousand doctors and people at risk each week. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė says the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines will arrive in Lithuania this week. How many vaccines will come later, the head of government could not answer, that everything is changing like a war. Vaccination against the coronavirus is scheduled for December 27. According to I. Šimonytė, all responsible institutions are ready for the arrival of vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccination of medical personnel will be coordinated by five hospitals in the country that treat the disease.

According to the Council of Health Experts of the Presidency, a stricter quarantine has reduced people’s mobility and the number of visits to stores has been reduced by about 60 percent, similar to the first quarantine. This is expected to have a positive effect in stopping the spread of the virus.

After a health council meeting on Tuesday, presidential adviser Simon Krėpšta announced that a study had shown that up to two-thirds of the population planned to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Half of those who agree to be vaccinated, he said, would like to do so as soon as possible. On Tuesday, the Council of Experts suggested to start testing for coronavirus mutations circulating in Lithuania as soon as possible.

Due to the closure of most UK roads due to a new strain of coronavirus, the Lithuanian Embassy is registering people who need assistance to return to Lithuania. Their transportation is organized together with Latvians and Estonians. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė emphasizes that the aim will be to help the return of people who have been stranded in the UK due to business or other important reasons, and not those who want to return for holidays.
