S. Skvernelis: The decision has been made to shorten the self-isolation of some people


On his Facebook account, S. Skvernelis posted:

Today in the COVID-19 committee we decided to shorten the isolation period for those people who came or returned from abroad, had no contact with the infected coronavirus, did not experience symptoms and at least 8 days after their arrival in Lithuania they took the test of COVID-19, which is negative.

These people will be able to leave the place of isolation after 10 days, instead of 14 days after their arrival in Lithuania. We hope this will allow those who really do not have coronavirus to return to the job market and public life more quickly. “

The Prime Minister stressed that the decision was made after a thorough analysis by epidemiologists. According to him, current data from the European Center for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases shows that the incubation period of COVID-19 lasts from 5 to 6 days and the risk of developing the disease is lower in the second week after contact. with the patient.

The COVID-19 committee’s decision has not yet been approved by the Government.

The decision on exemptions for the islands is Friday.

S. Skvernelis also reported that the exclusion of some territories from the lists of affected countries was also discussed. The tourism business has long been asking for concessions in the direction of the transport of Lithuanians on vacation and that those countries be treated as regions. For example, in some Greek and Spanish islands, the incidence rate is several times lower even than in Lithuania.

“We are inclined to make that decision to ease the conditions for the tourism business, but we have yet to agree on this with the Baltic bubble partners.” The final decision should be announced on Friday, “said the prime minister.

Earlier, Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga has said that Latvia opposes such a regional separation. It has been agreed with Latvia and Estonia to jointly coordinate the criteria for assessing morbidity in other countries.

“At least Latvian colleagues are categorically against the exclusion of individual regions or areas,” the Health Minister said this week. “As long as we have the Baltic bubble, we really won’t be able to make such uniform decisions on exceptions.”

It is true that the tourism business at the time publicly questioned such claims. “The Minister of Health still mentions exceptions that Lithuania cannot apply due to the general agreement, but Latvia and Estonia have been applying those exceptions since August. Both Latvia and Estonia have an approved list of third countries, so tour operators from those countries have been able to operate flights to Tunisia for some time, while this address is closed to Lithuanian travelers, ”said Milda Rainienė, executive director of the Lithuanian Tourism Association.

According to her, “Estonia allows travel to destinations that are not accessible to Lithuanian travelers through a separate resolution, so there are natural doubts about the necessary tripartite agreement.”
