S. Skvernelis addressed the public: people, be responsible and suffer for two weeks


You can see S. Skvernelis’s comment to the media here:

On Wednesday, the government approved new restrictions to stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus., part of the company said it was shocked by the disagreement and the quick decision-making.

Also surprising were some municipalities where the local quarantine was announced.

According to S. Skvernelis, there is always a debate. He explained that we had the same situation in the summer of February, March.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The commercial interest is one: only economic. Unfortunately, we have to seek and achieve a balance between the interests of companies and the interests of public life and health. I believe that the decision of reduce working hours from a few hours to two weeks. Nobody closes those offices. What’s more, I can only repeat what I said yesterday: people, be responsible and hold out for two weeks, do not go to those places, those events where there is a real risk contact and infection ”, emphasized the Prime Minister.

Part of the business intends to go to court for government restrictions..

According to S. Skvernelis, we are a state governed by the rule of law and every person, business group, has the right to go to court if they believe that their legitimate interests have been violated.

“I see this as a very normal practice of the rule of law,” he said.
