S. Skvernelis: A universal quarantine will be carried out in Lithuania


Catering services were built during the spring quarantine. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The government will decide on Wednesday on the universal quarantine in the country, which will take place starting Monday for at least three weeks, says Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

Added: The specific measures named, which have not yet been approved by the Government, will begin to operate business support measures.

Tomorrow the government will be asked to carry out a global quarantine, starting later this week, starting at midnight Thursday, probably after Tuesday, following the COVID-19 steering committee meeting, S. Skvernelis reported.

He says he will keep the five municipalities in the area left loosely, but other Cabinet members disagreed.

Based on epidemiological indicators, the government has established three zones, which are divided into municipalities: red, yellow, and oil. Municipalities in the yellow zone are currently subject to individual infection control guidelines and are quarantined in the red zone.

34 municipalities in the country have been included in the red zone, local quarantines have already been announced in 21. Another 21 municipalities fall into the yellow zone, five municipalities in the districts of Anyki, Ignalina, Rokikis, Zaras and Visaginas are still included in the subzone.

In the last two weeks, morbidity in Lithuania has reached almost 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the number of daily infections reached 1,000 over the weekend and almost 900 cases were reported on Tuesday.

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Silo power limit sudden work

Skvernel also said that the government will be asked to suddenly limit public restoration work.

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Catering of public catering will be stopped, only food will be allowed to eat. There will be no restrictions on stores and pharmacies, the prime minister said.

He added that a safe distance should be maintained in stores and pharmacies.

Among other things, it is planned to restrict the vents and allow no more than 10 close relatives to attend weddings and funerals.

Banyiai will also be silenced to stop services.

I hope the Banjia hierarchs will take this into account, said S. Squernel.

He also said that he would propose to more strictly restrict social contacts.

A more complete solution will be proposed. After the quarantine, communication with more than two families or no more than 10 people in two of the so-called families of origin will be prohibited, the prime minister said.

Movement between cities will not be restricted, but according to the head of government, this is not recommended.

It is possible to have a haircut, but sports clubs can

Hair salons and beauty salons must operate without major restrictions.

The restrictions should not be as absolute as they were in spring, simply to meet hygiene and safety requirements and request pre-registration so that the client can enter without queuing, said the head of government.

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The Cabinet of Ministers will offer to stop the mass, except for medical services, as well as the activities of the sports club, swimming pool, spa center.

It will also be proposed to prohibit singing, oki and other contact activities.

Primary education will be unrestricted

According to the prime minister, kindergartens and primary education will operate without restrictions, leaving the right to decide to parents.

Schools with older youth will be encouraged to telecommute or the dying.

Silitic dead or distance learning method, when 50 percent. education is through contact and 50 percent. it takes place remotely, said S. Skvernelis.

According to him, high schools will be instructed to work remotely, with the exception of those students who are not expected to practice remotely.

It is also intended to suspend the activities of museums, theaters and cinemas, and libraries have the right to carry out activities remotely.

Among other things, it was decided to hold sporting events without irov.

The government will also be encouraged to determine that the work will be done remotely, it is believed.

Business support measures will be implemented

As the government plans to carry out a universal quarantine and further tighten restrictions, Prime Minister S. Skvernel says the supportive measures that worked during the first wave of the coronavirus will help the company.

The quarantine will bring together the operational measures of state aid that have been activated in the past. Hopefully they will be effective and help to improve or control the situation in some way. We understand the situation, we see how difficult it is, many have not recovered, but we simply have no alternative, the prime minister said at a press conference on Tuesday.

According to him, in addition to the old aid measure, new ones are being considered, but no decisions have yet been made.

Today we are talking about leaving behind those measures that were already in force and affected, and we are also debating the establishment of new criteria, the introduction of new measures. If such decisions are made, we will announce them, Skvernel said.

Proposals yet to be approved by the Government

The Government’s COVID-19 Steering Committee has endorsed the following medical formulations, on which the Government will have to make a final decision on Wednesday:

  • It is forbidden to communicate with more than two families or two households, no more than 10 people in total can meet.
  • Catering establishments are prohibited, except for the provision of food delivery services.
  • The normal activities of museums, theaters, cinemas and libraries are suspended, and the right to provide services from a distance is reserved for institutions.
  • Sports performances, concerts or other events can only take place without irov.
  • Movement between municipalities is not recommended.
  • It is recommended to give up personal spaces, except weddings and funerals, which can be attended by up to 10 relatives and relatives.
  • It is recommended to abandon mass religious rites in the presence of believing physicists.
  • Stores must ensure at least 10 square meters M. Meters Plot buyers.
  • Sports club activities, swimming pool, SPA center, oki, singing and other contact activities, massage salon activities, except medical procedures, are prohibited. Hairdressers, beauty salons and other service establishments may operate in accordance with security requirements, accepting only pre-registered clients.
  • Indoor sports should only be allowed to members of a family or family or no more than two people, subject to safety requirements.
  • Activities are allowed, except for meals and other group services, and only for delivery of food to rooms or for meals.
  • The quarantine takes place for three weeks.
  • The work of both the public and private sectors must be carried out remotely, with the exception that the activities cannot be carried out remotely.
  • In public transport, only seats are allowed, maintaining a safe distance between passengers.
  • Early childhood and primary education will continue to be possible in the usual way. Schools offer a distance or dead mode of education, with half of the students studying suddenly and half of them remotely. The school decides on the right to decide on the method of education. Higher education institutions will have to work remotely, except for a few practical issues.
  • Day centers cannot function to guarantee safety.
  • Healthcare institutions must provide emergency care, diagnosis, treatment, and isolation of COVID-19 patients and planned emergency care. Private treatment services are not prohibited.

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