S. Skvernel: If there was a second wave of coronavirus, we would not shut down the entire economy Business


“I think a lot of people would behave a little differently because we had painful lessons, across Europe and the world, about governance, detection, behavior itself, both in society and in our preventive management of the pandemic.” (…) These would be separate localized foci: cities, districts, perhaps counties. We would work with the targets, if there really was a chimney and spread it, we would have to use the maximum closing means again, ”S. Skvernelis told News Radio on Thursday.

He stressed that the most effective preventive measure for coronavirus remained “lack of social contact and compliance with certain rules of personal hygiene.”

“We should do the same in the future, but I think we are really talking about localized chimneys now, what is happening now (…) Such a plan is in place, I hope it is not even used, but we have to be prepared” . – confirmed S.Svvernelis.

Following the introduction of quarantine in Lithuania on March 16, most stores closed, except for grocery stores and pharmacies, public events were banned, and service provision was restricted. Lithuanian citizens, with some exceptions, are prohibited from leaving the country, and many foreigners are prohibited from entering Lithuania.

Since April 4, Lithuanian airspace was closed for passenger flights, and passengers were not allowed to take ferries, except for the ferry from Kiel to Klaipeda.

Since mid-April, quarantine conditions in Lithuania have been relaxed, some flights have been resumed, but the quarantine itself runs until June 16.
