S. Malinauskas – on the “wounded” politicians, the invitation of the Presidency and the work behind the scenes in the Government


Partnership conflict: is it worth it?

During the program “Žinių radijo”, S. Malinauskas did not hide his policy of frustration – according to him, seeing closely the competence of the Seimas members, the work in the Government and the Presidency, the policy of frustration is very high. S. Malinauskas said that he had always imagined that people would come to politics with the idea that “it would be good for them if they were all good.”

“So you see politics – and now I am absolutely convinced of it – as a game of interests, of power: there are several groups with different interests, and those who have gained more power, their interests come true. No matter how honest or dishonest the head of the institution is, no matter how good or bad he has done it, if he does not comply with the agenda of a minister at that time, he will jump ”, said S. Malinauskas.

The same is true of law making, and Company Law is one of the best examples of this.

“All the political forces agree that the Association Law must be approved and, in principle, the conflict is resolved. Why intensify this situation? But let’s see what happens: it is convenient for the peasants to keep the tension as high as possible. possible, they say they won’t support any discussion of the association.

The Freedom Party also benefits from this, as more on the other side of the electorate is mobilizing on it. They go very aggressively – all the paintings of the transition are symbolic, but not a solution (…) In the end, there is no necessary solution for homosexuals – but there is a lot of controversy, anger, and each of them has political dividends – from president to prime minister., – said S. Malinauskas.

“I’ve always seen it. Sometimes there is a discussion and you think,” forget about that political situation, let’s try to make a decision that would be logical, in the opinion of the experts, the best for the State. “Then comes” how will our voters? “,” How will our supporter react? “, He added.

S. Malinauskas resigned from the Government after the conflict with the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, when he asked Prime Minister S. Malinauskas to be removed from the communication group due to the coronavirus situation. A conflict arose between them when S. Malinauskas requested permission to produce a disinfectant liquid for Vilnius Vodka. Unofficially it was said that A.Veryga is hindering this process due to the non-alcoholic bitters that the company advertises.

“When there are queues and you realize that the disinfectant can save lives, and at the same time the Minister deals with issues of such a level that (” Vilnius vodka – aut. Past “). Once they began to advertise alcohol-free vodka or bitter, and we will turn back and give them nothing “- here is politics. When a group of angry medieval men is sitting and their own ambition and how they will look is something much more important than solving the problem,” said S. Malinauskas.

Sloppy statements

However, S. Malinauskas declared that he did not comply with the provision that working in the Government was a mistake. According to him, there were good and bad things. Like a bad boy, S. Malinauskas remembers the teachers’ rallies and a phrase that received a lot of media attention.

“During the discussion and correspondence on Facebook in the evening, I said that the buildings were occupied, as in the textbooks, because the exact same thing happened in Crimea. Whether they are teachers, someone else can take advantage of it.

And I remember the headlines: “Prime Minister’s Advisor Compared Teachers to Putin’s Strikers.” The prime minister writes, asking what happened here. Maybe I spoke badly, ”he recalled.

S. Malinauskas said that he understood the employee of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, who recently spoke about the Passport of Opportunities – which is not so necessary for the elderly: “I understand it very well – sometimes a sentence can create a very strong pressure of society and government. “

Even so, Malinauskas has advice for everyone in this situation: wait three days: “You will see how quickly the situation changes and new issues arise. But at that point, especially if you haven’t found it before, it seems to be the end of the world. “

The future of networks

In a relatively short time, S. Malinauskas went from being a government employee to a network developer who received considerable public support. S. Malinauskas said that the biggest surprise is that the content you create will be supported by so many people, which will provide the opportunity to create a small resource for the future, to assemble a team.

“I didn’t go anywhere, I had no subscribers on YouTube. However, I was interested in the format itself: sharing my opinion, saying what I hear from sources, what journalists don’t say, because they can end up in court. (…) And it shot, it really went well, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, “he said.

S. Malinauskas considered that if the number of sponsors decreased, the team should be abandoned, but in Lithuania it was possible for a developer to survive: “Even if the number of sponsors decreased 10 times, I could probably survive just to pay my salary and do the same. what do I want. That’s the most important thing here. “

However, S. Malinauskas stated that he believed that the most likely scenario was not the lack of sponsors, but the increasing competition.

“More young, hungry and strong people will come to Patreon, and those resources will have to be distributed across more accounts, which is inevitable. It seems strange to me that this is still slow, but it is happening. And that’s very good, “he said.

The president was disappointed

When asked if he would accept the invitation of the President Gitanas Nausėda or the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius, to join his team, S. Malinauskas stated that he received the invitation from the Presidency as soon as he left the position of adviser to S. Skvernelis , but said “no” to the invitation.

“The first message when I left the Prime Minister’s team was from the President’s team. “Did not say.

“I was invited to speak about future plans. Of course, I mentally laughed because I was the first communications manager for a competitor during the presidential campaign.

The second thing is that, as Gitan Nauseda looks like now, I would tend to strongly oppose him. I am very sorry that you have chosen such solutions in some cases. But it’s not just about LGBT issues. (…) In general, behavior and during a pandemic, application to things that are even a little dangerous for Lithuania. This president disappointed me, ”said S. Malinauskas.

According to him, it is interesting whether an alternative to G. Nausėda will appear during the next presidential elections, or whether political parties will grow as a leader who can run for office. “If we become a country where presidents rule for eight years, I’m sorry too, that says a lot about our democracy,” he said.
