Rytis Cicinas: About a Special Royal Fir Tree and Unusual Holidays – Coronavirus Ruined Plans, But Most Important Not


R. Cicinas, who is called the prince of the Lithuanian stage, begins to wait for Christmas with his family from the first day of winter.

“The traditions in our home came with the birth of a child. We have been decorating the Christmas tree on December 1st for 11 years to keep the festive atmosphere at home longer. Adas is already tall, so it also helps decorate the fir tree. And at night, there is always a Christmas tree in our family. We do not follow the fashion of decoration, we have many different toys. Adas still chooses new ones every year “, – warmly Delphi says the interlocutor.

Many of Cicino’s fans have been following social moments on social media for some time. The singer, who spreads positivity on Instagram, receives endless reactions and “likes” at all times, and his content is constantly followed by almost 10,000 people. Internet users.

With such an army of fans, Rytis certainly received praise for the festive décor in his home. The Royal Green Scarf is decorated with toys of various styles this year and each of them has a special story.

“The toys are also placed on the Christmas tree and given to me by the fans, when I used to perform during the festive period, I received them as gifts. The Christmas tree becomes not only a festive decoration, but also a symbol that evokes memories ”, he rejoices.

Rytis Cicinas on the Christmas tree at home

Rytis Cicinas on the Christmas tree at home

© Photo from personal album

“For example, fans have surprised me with woven angel toys, they gave them to me during a concert on the border with Latvia. The residents of Priekule gave them to me and now they hang them on my Christmas tree. Besides these decorations, there are Toys from my childhood, from our family journeys. The whole Christmas tree is full of different stories. You look at it and the memories come naturally. Everything is very hot. Such feelings warm the celebrations, “adds the interlocutor.

Rytis does not hide the fact that for him, as for many of his colleagues, the current period has greatly influenced his musical plans, but that, he says, is certainly not the most important thing.

Without a doubt, the coronavirus has spoiled everyone’s plans, the concerts have been canceled for several months and it is not known when they will be again. But that’s not important. The most important thing is that people are responsible so that we can unite like a fist to end this situation as soon as possible.

Rytis Cicinas with her son at the Christmas tree

Rytis Cicinas with her son at the Christmas tree

© Photo from personal album

Tight plans and holidays. Usually Christmas, Christmas, we celebrate in my homeland. Our family is small, we, my mother and my baptismal mother could fit at a table. We have always agreed with that. And this time, it is as it is. We will meet this vacation in our house in Kaunas for three: my wife, Adutis and myself. Of course, we will greet our loved ones, but we will do so over the phone. Security must be taken into account so that all this can be completed as soon as possible and we can already celebrate other parties at the same table with everyone we want to see, “said the interlocutor.

Christmas is said to be a time of miracles. What would Mr. Cicin wish for his environment and others?

“I want to wish you all the one miracle: health. Keep as few people as possible and end this whole virus situation as soon as possible. After all, it has to end one day and then we can be together again. This is my only wish and wish for all ”, the singer concluded warmly.

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