Russian sports prima donna loses 16-year-old daughter: “I hope she becomes Jefimova’s second” | sports


Julia Jefimova returned to Russia from the United States, where she has lived and trained for many years.

The three-time Olympic medal winner and six-time world champion jumped into the water in Kazan during the Russian swimming championships.

In the first outing, he won the 50m breaststroke match, but was followed by an unexpected failure.

In the 100-meter breaststroke final, J. Jefimova landed on Yevgeny Chikunova.

“You can retire now”

The 16-year-old Russian swimmer covered the distance in 1 minute. 6.06 sec.

J.Jefimova finished second, slightly behind, in 0.16 seconds. A certified swimmer who celebrated his 29th birthday a few days ago swam the match in 1 minute. 6.22 sec.

The result is a couple of seconds worse than the world record of the American Lilly King.

However, Jefimova had excuses.

“I didn’t tell anyone, but I wasn’t sure of my well-being, I thought I might not be successful in this championship,” Jefimova said after the competition. – That’s why I didn’t want to ride here.

But the eyes are afraid, the hands work. If I have achieved such results in a couple of months, in a couple of months I will be ready to compete on a completely different level.

Now I lost a little at the end of the distance, I lost the starts, I lost myself in how to swim.

„Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Julija Jefimova

„Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Julija Jefimova

In America for a long time everything was closed, I started swimming in January. Most of the pools don’t work there so far. The most important thing is that I beat the national team. I have already lost so many times in the Russian Championship that it does not surprise me. It does not mean anything. But the result must be improved, of course. We need to prepare for Tokyo.

How do I rate Chikunov? Great that there is so much competition, it remains. Looking at her and reassuring the team. You can now retire. There is a change, and it’s okay, it makes me happy. I hope she becomes the second Jefimova. Or maybe even more.

Do I remember myself at 16? I remember, but I was completely different from Yevgeny. It was a little smaller, maybe I would even say completely small. “

After the end, J.Čikunova showed J.Jefimova the sign of victory – the letter V.

An experienced swimmer did not react much. “I didn’t even see it, it was the same for me,” Jefimova said.

“Scanpix” nuotr./Jevgenija Čikunova

He agrees that Tchaikovsky will sound instead of the Russian anthem

Due to the state-level doping system, Russian athletes will not be able to hear their country’s anthem during the Tokyo Olympics.

One of the most titled Russian swimmers, Julia Jefimova, who has already won three Olympic medals at the London and Rio de Janeiro Games, supported the new idea.

She believes that Russian athletes have no choice but to listen to the music of Peter Tchaikovsky.

“I think we have no other choice,” Jeffimova told Russia’s TASS news agency.

„Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Julija Jefimova

„Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Julija Jefimova

The Russian Olympic Committee suggested that Russian athletes receive Tchaikovsky’s “Piano Concerto No. 1”.

The International Olympic Committee has not yet responded whether it will allow the work of the famous Russian composer should Russian athletes win Olympic gold medals.

I hope they don’t whistle at you anymore

In any case, Jefimova is intensively preparing for the Tokyo outing.

During her career, she was twice entangled in a doping record, once was disqualified and only allowed permission to compete in the last minute before the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, despite the fact that meldonium was found in that year. her body.

As a result, at the Games in Brazil, fans whistled at the famous swimmer, who was also criticized by rival American swimmers.

“I don’t think it will happen again. Maybe it’s a little bit, but I hope it’s not the same as in 2016”, – expected J.Jefimova, who won two silver medals in Rio de Janeiro in the 100 and 200 m breaststroke .

Photo by Scanpix / Julia Jefimova

Photo by Scanpix / Julia Jefimova

Jefimova has also won a bronze medal in the 200 meter breaststroke at the London Games and has won 6 gold medals at the World Championships.

In the last planetary championship of 2019, the Russian won gold, silver and bronze.
