Russia withdraws troops: ‘goal achieved’


“I believe that the objectives of the unannounced inspection have been successfully met. The soldiers proved capable of providing the necessary protection to the country. As a result, the decision was made to complete the inspection of the forces of the southern military districts and west, “said the Russian defense minister in Crimea.

The minister added that the Russian armed forces “respond adequately to any change in the situation on Russia’s borders.”

According to Shoigu, Crimean Defense operations improved during the flash inspection, Bal and Bastion coastal missile complexes, Inochodec drones, Raptor patrol boats and other “newer and more promising weapons” were activated during training.

According to the minister, the soldiers must return to the bases before May 1.

Shoigu arrived in the Ukraine annexed to Moscow on Thursday 2014 to observe the military exercises there, with growing tensions between Moscow and Kiev and the West.

Sergei shoigu

Sergei shoigu

© Stopkadras

“The Shiga helicopter flew over the areas where troops and military equipment are deployed and verified the readiness of the naval and land forces participating in the exercise,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The training is taking place in the wake of growing tensions between Moscow and the West over the mobilization of Russian forces on the northern and eastern borders of Ukraine, as well as in Russia’s annexed Crimea.

As reported by the Defense Ministry to the Interfax news agency, some 10,000 people are participating in the exercise in Crimea. ground troops and more than 40 warships.

Last week, Russian news agencies quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying that Moscow plans to close some parts of the Black Sea to foreign warships and state ships for half a year starting Saturday.

Such a move could affect connections with Ukrainian ports on the Sea of ​​Azov, which is connected to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait along the eastern tip of Crimea.

The European Union called the move “a matter of great concern”, and NATO also expressed concern and called on Russia to guarantee “free access” to Ukrainian ports.

“The Russian militarization of the Crimean, Black and Azov seas poses an even greater threat to Ukraine’s independence and undermines regional stability,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

The blockade of the Black Sea “would be an unjustifiable move that would show a broader trend toward destabilizing behavior by Russia,” added a Stoltenberg spokeswoman.

NATO called on Russia to “immediately reduce the situation, put an end to the provocations and fulfill its international obligations.”

Russia has deployed tens of thousands of troops to its border with Ukraine and Crimea in recent weeks. Defense Minister Shawig called the mobilization “training” in response to “threatening” NATO actions.

Kiev has been fighting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine since 2014. This conflict erupted after Moscow annexed Crimea.

This week, one of the world’s most influential publications, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), published satellite images showing Russian forces concentrated in Crimea. Experts have warned that, judging by the amount of military equipment, Russia is ready for a military offensive.

Daniel Jablonsky, a director of the company, told The Wall Street Journal why he decided to make the photos public: “I think they remove some of the doubts about what is really happening in a region with many problems.”

Sergei shoigu

Sergei shoigu

© Stopkadras

“They are [Rusija] “The United States has deployed as many air forces as necessary to ensure air superiority during the battle and to provide ground support,” said Philip Breedlove, a former US Air Force officer who led NATO forces in Europe during the annexation of Crimea.

According to him, the photos show that the Russian military units do not plan to attack immediately, but Moscow has several options to take additional measures.

Last week, William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), pointed out in Congress that by mobilizing forces, Russia was intimidating the Ukrainian government and sending a signal to the Joe Biden administration.

“The mobilization has reached a point where everything can turn into a military invasion,” Burns said. “And not only the United States, but also the allies must respond seriously. “This is not a demonstration.” This is in preparation for a larger attack, says Potillac Chairman Phillip Karber, who has frequently visited the war zone in Ukraine. “I do not anticipate an attack, but in a period of two weeks, that option is possible for Russia.”

Russia withdraws troops: 'goal achieved'

© Stopkadras

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