Russia threatens to break relations with the EU –


Russia threatens to sever relations with the European Union (EU) if Brussels issues new sanctions on the country, Reuters reports.


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Russia threatens to break relations with the EU if Brussels announces new sanctions on the country. Photo by EPA-Elta

His country is determined to do so, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview, excerpts of which were posted on his ministry’s website on Friday. “We don’t want to be isolated from world life, but we must be prepared for that. If you want peace, you have to prepare for war,” Lavrov said.

Russia-EU relations have notably cooled down recently due to the imprisonment of opposition politician Alexei Navaln.

Three EU diplomats told Reuters that Brussels was considering freezing the accounts of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s allies and issuing a travel ban. Recently, France and Germany have indicated that they will support the sanctions. According to the sources, the sanctions could be announced later this month.

In the Russia-EU conflict over Navaln, the tone has sharpened dramatically recently. Russia sent EU diplomats a week ago, just as the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell visited Moscow.

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