Russia has accused the Baltic states and President Nausėda


Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

Russia’s foreign ministry said on Thursday that accusations by Lithuanian President Gitan Nauseda against Moscow of trying to rewrite the story were “inappropriate and cynical.”

During a press conference, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zacharova said that Moscow had repeatedly criticized “attempts by Baltic politicians to falsify the events of the 20th century.” He added that Nausėda had carried out further “hostile attacks” of this type at a recent European Union summit in Brussels.

“We believe that the accusations against Russia of ‘historical revisionism’ by the head of state, who constantly pushes the line of heroization of the so-called ‘forest brothers’, many of whom cooperated directly with the Nazis, are inappropriate, cynical and immoral, “said a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry. .

Ms. Zakharova said that she regretted that Lithuania was “guided by phobias” rather than trying to improve bilateral relations with Russia.

Barend Leyts, a representative of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, previously said that the issue of Russia’s efforts to rewrite history was discussed at the EU summit at the suggestion of the President of Lithuania.

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, condemned on Thursday Russia’s attempts to rewrite history to justify the occupation and annexation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union.

“We strongly oppose any attempt by Russia to rewrite history to justify the 1940 occupation and the annexation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union,” said the joint statement commemorating the 80th anniversary of the United States declaration. condemning the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states.

Estonia also protests

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu protested on Thursday against Russia’s claims that the Baltic states had voluntarily joined the Soviet Union.

“The Russian embassy in Tallinn has repeatedly emphasized in its public statements that Estonia voluntarily joined the USSR, which was a legitimate act. Certainly not. Similar public statements are not beneficial to bilateral relations,” Reinsalu said at a press conference. .

“For this reason, I gave the order today to summon the Russian ambassador and express the appropriate protest,” added the head of diplomacy.

Reinsalu recalled that the Russian Foreign Ministry had previously issued a statement of the same content.

“He says that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia joined the USSR bilaterally [susitarimo] on the basis of, “said the Minister. – I completely reject this statement. It does not reflect the facts of history and does not reflect the principles of international law that existed at the time or at present.”

On Thursday, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in which it stated that “the ruling strata of the Baltic States do not refuse to impose a biased assessment of the events surrounding the incorporation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia into the USSR 80 years ago. “

The declaration offers an interpretation of the historical events that the participation of the Baltic States in the USSR was carried out by mutual agreement.

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