Russia continues to hide: does not share controversial data on coronavirus vaccine


37 scientists from 12 states signed an open letter on September 21 questioning it. Information on the supposedly effective Sputnik V vaccine has been published. According to them, the data on the antibodies formed is repetitive, although the volunteers have received different formulations of vaccines.

According to the researchers, Such duplicates of data are “almost impossible”; it is quite possible that the Gamalay Institute is manipulating extremely important information.

The institute denies the allegations and now claims to share “green” material if other researchers formally request it. Yet the Russian side seems to say so: the same scientists who have voiced their public doubts claim that their requests continue to be ignored.

Does not respond to requests

Journalists from The Moscow Times report on a letter from Raffaele Calogero, professor of bioinformatics and genomics at the University of Turin in Italy, to Denis Logunov, deputy director of the research department of the Gamalea Institute.

Italian colleagues asked twice for “anonymous raw data” at the end of September.

E. Bucci: Many questions have not been answered, no data has been provided. The situation is the same as before.

“The data will be used by me and the other authors of the open letter to recreate the general information you describe in your document and clarify your concerns,” Calogero wrote in the letter.

However, Logunov did not respond to the letters. So far, it has also not responded to inquiries from journalists, and Enrico Bucci, a biology professor at Temple University in the United States, who was the first to speak about duplicates, believes it shows Russia’s lack of transparency.

“Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Russian nuo coronavirus vaccine “Sputnik V”

“Your public responses are essentially what is written in the original document itself. Even the order of the words is the same, “Bucci told The Moscow Times. – Many questions remain unanswered, no data is provided. The situation is the same as before.”

“We don’t know if they will respond. He has not responded in the past, but now he says that he reserves the right to make the final decision on who can access the data. This is also very strange and contradicts scientific standards, we have to be open.” added the researcher.

He was quick to show off

Konstantin Andreev, a scientist at Northwestern University in the United States, who co-authored an open letter to researchers, said the probability that the Gamalay Institute could achieve the vaccine’s effectiveness, as reported by The Lancet, was only 1.4 percent.

And E. Bucci affirms that he would not be able to reproduce the data provided by Russia in the usual statistical models: “We have to delve into this. But we can’t because we don’t pass on data. “

Kirill Dmitryev, director of the Russian direct investment fund that finances the Sputnik V vaccine, said: “This study is the latest answer to all questions for Russia.”

The Lancet, a prestigious academic journal, has also reached an agreement with this researcher:

The results of the first and second phase clinical trials of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine were published on September 4 in The Lancet. The study involved 76 volunteers, all of whom reportedly developed an immune response without serious side effects.

“Reuters” / “Scanpix” nuotr./Russian vaccine nuo coronavirus “Sputnik V”

The Russian government, of course, enthusiastically welcomed the results of the study, and Kiril Dmitriev, head of the Russian direct investment fund that finances the Sputnik V vaccine, said: “This study is the latest answer to all questions for Russia.”

The fund also announced that Sputnik V will be launched 100% successfully. cases in which it is more effective than other vaccines that are being developed, which are, among other things, supposedly underdeveloped.

Russia in particular has been affected by a vaccine developed by researchers at AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, which is considered one of the world’s favorites. It has already been commissioned by many states, so Moscow’s interpretations amount to propaganda.

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the vaccine before the results of the first and second phase of clinical trials were announced, not to mention the much more massive phase 3 trials that are required to obtain permission to distribute the vaccine.

“Our doubts do not necessarily mean that this vaccine does not work. But such processes are not possible in science”, emphasized E. Bucci.
