Rural Tourism Association: After the announcement of the quarantine, orders from rural villages were poured


“The golden season (summer – ELTA) was forecast, and it was the same or worse than the 2019 season. Many farms that host guests from abroad, hosting business events, family celebrations, operated only at 80 percent capacity or less. As a result, the summer season in rural tourism was not golden, “A. Vaitkuvienė told Eltai.

According to her, the situation was saved by the extension of the season due to the measure “Holidays for doctors”.

After all, the season has started this year with the help of the program for doctors. Now and out of season, the hamlets are open, they usually accept doctors or companies of friends, because people want to be in nature ”, he assured.

A. Vaitkuvienė also stated that after the announcement of the second universal quarantine, many questions were asked about who wanted to quarantine on rural farms.

“After the quarantine was announced, we started getting inquiries about family huts over the weekend or four days. People understand that it will be necessary to close, and at least for a while it is better to close a cabin in the forest, on a rural tourism farm.

(Decrease in orders – ELTA) is not, because they have contributed additional measures, contributed by the fact that people still want to escape the city. Until the quarantine announcement, most of the doctors were on vacation, after the announcement was filled with inquiries from people looking for where to spend their quarantine time. This is closely related to the fact that children do not go to school, because when they go they are all in the city, and when distance learning begins, then it is possible to spend a week in the country, ” he said, adding that the situation in November is very similar. period last year.

Speaking about the rural farm orders for the New Year celebration, A. Vaitkuvienė said that many farms have already been ordered.

“Before the announcement of the quarantine, people were actively looking for farms for the new year. Many houses have already been booked, contracts have been signed. While there is no clarity, all people still want to meet. Especially since all contracts are in customer interest, if it is already completely impossible (to gather – ELTA), then the reservation fees will be refunded, ”he told Eltai.

However, the LKTA director stressed that large farms are currently suffering financially and that they need a staff maintenance allowance, as these farms are often the only employer in the rural area.

“It just came to our knowledge then. There are small farmhouses for a quiet rest, where only the owners themselves work, and there are large farmhouses, complexes that have several cabins, a functioning cafeteria and other services. open all the time. It is these large properties that really face a lack of funds, they do not accumulate the money that they have accumulated for the off-season. Therefore, the subsidy for the maintenance of the employees is really necessary, because the farms usually be the only employer in the rural region ”, assured A. Vaitkuvienė.

ELTA recalls that the government is introducing universal quarantine in the country as of Saturday. Additional restrictions were also decided during it.

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