Rumors of border closures for carriers continue to spread in Belarus: new date allegedly mentioned in distributed document


“Cargo from the Baltic States will not be allowed to cross the Belarusian border, be registered for export through other countries”, Belarusian companies operating in the international transport market have received such warnings in recent days.

However, this information has not been officially confirmed, and trucks from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia continue to cross the border without additional restrictions.

Rumors of a possible cargo suspension from the Baltic countries came after Aliaksandr Lukashenko promised to show Lithuania and the other Baltic countries “what the sanctions are.” Lukashenko’s reaction came in response to the imposition of Baltic sanctions on 30 high-ranking Belarusian officials.

In Belarus For several days, operators have received messages since September 10. trucks
with Lithuanian numbers, as well as those loaded in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, will not be supported in Belarus.

This information is supposedly distributed by Beltamozhservice RUE. In the latter case, the letter itself is sent informally, without mentioning the names, titles and contacts of those who distributed it.

Previous rumors have not materialized

Delfi’s editorial office received information on Wednesday that Belarus would no longer allow Lithuanian tugboats and ban their transit from Thursday. Although no one has officially confirmed such information yet, representatives of the carriers say they have heard such rumors and have already warned their drivers. After listening to the speeches, Julius Glebov, commercial attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Belarus, also confirmed it.

After contacting the general secretary of LINAVA, Mečislavas Atroškevičius, he said that so far everything is just a rumor.

“It just came to our notice then. Look, it’s not very clear to us if this is transit or entry, and how then … There were such rumors, but state authorities did not confirm these things. We cannot comment on the rumors yet. inform our carriers that if there were any interruptions, they would not keep silent, but would inform us as an association, “he said.

“If you imagine that you can ban the entry of Lithuanian cars, they will not be registered … In principle, we have a very large volume of business, trade in Belarus, so how do you imagine? That your machines will drive here, work and Won’t they let us in there? Regarding transit, I said before that this is not a problem. We can also go to Russia via Latvia, but I heard more about entering Belarus, not about transit, “clarified M. Atroškevičius .

After hearing similar speeches, Delfi was also intervened by the Secretary General of the International Transport and Logistics Alliance, Povilas Drižas, but emphasized that so far the rumors are floating in the air. He said he was also unaware of the details.

“If such a closure occurs, companies would organize work, divert flows to other neighboring countries,” he said, adding that this would increase the administrative and financial burden on companies.

The editorial office also contacted Julius Glebov, commercial attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Belarus.

“We also hear everything at the level of rumors. The official information is not confirmed by the official authorities. Our colleagues from Latvia and Estonia also have no information, for now we consider it a rumor ”, he commented.

When asked to clarify the speeches heard, J. Glebov said that possibly Belarus would not only not allow Lithuanian tugs, but would also transport their cargo bypassing the Baltic countries.

“Rumors are circulating that incoming cargo will simply not be accepted, and secondly, cargo leaving Belarus will not be shipped through the border posts leading to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In other words, we are talking about incoming and outgoing cargo, ”he said.

The Transport Ministry has also confirmed that it currently has no official information on such restrictions.

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