Rulers’ tactics: intimidate by playing savior –


– In the French capital, Paris, cultural workers have occupied theaters, and more and more protesters take to the streets of Western Europe, unhappy with the quarantine restrictions that people call increasingly absurd and senseless. Do you think the authorities will be able to quarantine people when the weather warms up? Won’t it turn into street riots and even more drastic forms of resistance?

– Quarantine and all kinds of restrictions have always provoked human resistance or even rebellion. It was called in every way: plague revolts, rage revolutions, etc. There is nothing new in that if we look briefly at the history of mankind. But the problem is that the ruling elite these days, who live in luxury and fear their lives will be broken, are ready to quarantine everyone and break other people’s lives just to survive on their own. And most people feel it and understand it better. It is this opposition that goes much deeper than the banal struggle against moderation. Basically, it is a fight against people who put their personal interests before the public interest and therefore are willing to deceive the public by giving them “terrible” information but dosing so that only they themselves feel comfortable. called elite, proudly displaying their maskless mouth on television screens, when others are required to wear those masks … In such pictures are the beginnings of the rebellion …

– In any case, the protests in Eastern Europe are much more modest or non-existent. Why are Westerners more active than Easterners?

– Because the people of Eastern Europe have long been held hostage by totalitarian systems, they are wary of various uprisings or protests. Anyone who can imagine how their riots in Belarusian or Russian prisons will end, or even those who remember shooting us in the Lithuanian Parliament under two Bobels, these people always wonder: what is more important, their eyes and their health or just to try. prove something? … And the answer is obvious …

– Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, showing concern about the intensification of military action in the eastern territories of Ukraine, has begun to seek new contacts with the Russian authorities and is trying to organize a new meeting in Minsk format. At that time, new victims are reported daily from the front line. What is really going on there?

– The situation in Ukraine is now significantly worse, as far as I know, there are serious clashes in the Gorlovka district, there are mutual victims. I believe that both this situation and the conflict itself are beneficial to the leaders of Ukraine and Russia as a factor in attracting public attention. Many internal conflicts are maturing in Ukraine: in a few days a new documentary will be released on the betrayal of the Ukrainian presidential administration, when the enemy was operated by the Ukrainian military intelligence, and the main accused in this film is Andrei Yermak. President of the President of Ukraine. Jermak maintains relationships such that getting rid of the latter would be quite painful for everyone … Therefore, in Ukraine, due to this internal situation, the approach can be well used during the conflict in eastern Ukraine, while in Ukraine Russia It is relevant, all this can be “camouflaged” by the escalation of the conflict.

– It is reported that all the opposition figures sitting in Belarus, including the husband of the Lithuanian neighborhood Sviatlan Cichanouskaya, have already been charged and it seems that the entire audience has been sitting for a long time. At the same time, it is reported that anti-government protests will be organized again in Minsk and other cities as the weather warms up. What are the prospects for these protests? Is there a potential chance that this will be successful?

– Obviously, the new protests, if they start, will be weaker than those that have already been. First of all, because everyone realizes that there are very few protesters, which was clear to everyone except a few smaller ones: Moscow lovers sitting in the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry … Of course, this situation will get nowhere. . Many people who have participated in protests before are painfully repressed, while others see the results of these repressions and realize that sacrificing without any result is simply useless and stupid. Therefore, I will emphasize once again: Mr. Linas Linkevičius should pay serious compensation to all victims out of his own pocket, because, playing a great European, he was actually used as an anti-decoy in hunting. Furthermore, like us As predicted, the first shipments of Belarusian petroleum products are already traveling through Russian ports, so the villains who organized this theft of Lithuanian opportunities, of course, must be brought to justice.

– The commander of the Armed Forces of Armenia has again demanded the resignation of the country’s prime minister, Nikol Pashinian. Although it was the prime minister who offered perhaps the most logical way out of the political stalemate: he proposed holding early elections and checking what the people support. What are the true intentions of the military leadership?

– Pashinian is a harbinger of change, a change that would pull Armenia out of the long-standing embrace of Pax Rossiana in the Transcaucasus. What is happening is certainly in line with the Kremlin, and the aim of these actions is to build a -Figure Russian in the Armenian government, and the replacement of N. Pasinyan will inevitably lead to a conflict with Azerbaijan, spit, like those soldiers eating from a Russian hand …

– There are growing rumors that China is going to withdraw Taiwan by force, and a US military aircraft carrier has arrived on the island these days. Could there be a more serious conflict there? Are the Chinese really willing to solve the Taiwan problem by force?

– I think the Chinese believe that the Joe Biden administration will not be as quick and efficient in launching hostilities or hybrid operations against Taiwan as it would have been in the case of the Donald Trump administration. However, an analysis of the current situation shows that Baiden is not solely dependent on the Chinese benefits his son receives. What we call a “deep state” in the United States, he is well aware that China’s deterrence is the single most important factor in maintaining America’s leadership in the world. Therefore, the internal relations of the United States are important now. For China, perhaps even more than Tramp applied.

– At that time, the United States Congress approved an economic rescue plan worth up to $ 1.9 trillion … What does it mean to print and commercialize such sums? How can this affect the world’s economies and people’s lives?

“Real estate prices have risen 40% before this rescue begins, and all this cannot be described as anything other than causing inflation. Of course, this money is the main hook that is forcing our government, without any sociological logic , a “they present increasingly frightening figures on the threats of infection by” covidium “, because of those billions, it is expected that around 2 billion” fall “also in Lithuania … And then this government of three locusts will deal of the division of said billions, especially since that “rescue” and Brussels. The whole “boom” of the infection, which is constantly maintained artificially, aims to give these people arguments in favor of blank printed money that they can share by playing “good” government that cares for everyone. It is clear to all that those who share do not usually harm themselves. But the worst part is that when they share, they keep something for themselves. The worst thing is that the Lithuanian economy is already suffering and will suffer even more, and small and medium-sized enterprises are already on the brink of destruction. Therefore, there is only one thing to say: these gentlemen, who will take care of the distribution of the money, are certainly not patriots; their personal and survival issues are the most important to them. Therefore, they will continue to deal only with these divisions and ignore the situation that will arise in Lithuania after the pandemic, that is, the new wave of mass emigration …
