RRT plans: how the 5G connection will be implemented in Lithuania


RRT, taking into account the ongoing process of selling the AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras Mezon business and the requests received from operators to postpone the auctions until the end of the Mezon transaction, is considering announcing an auction of the band of radio frequency of 700 MHz by the end of this year. postpone the announcement of the auction of the radio frequency band until 2021. For the fourth. An auction for the 26 GHz radio frequency band is scheduled to be announced when it is clear whether there is market demand for this band.

In Lithuania, as in many other countries in the world, operators are preparing for the implementation of 5G technology and carrying out preparatory work. In Lithuania, the legislation provides for the possibility to assign free radio frequencies to operators for non-commercial use for testing purposes. RRT, having received a request from AB Telia Lietuva and supporting the initiative of this company to practically test the operation of 5G communication, assigned free radio frequencies of the radio frequency band of 3.5 GHz to this operator for temporary non-commercial use.

According to the deputy director of RRT, Mindaugas Žilinskas, the implementation of 5G technology is currently one of the strategic objectives of the European Union. However, Lithuania, as a border country, due to its special geographical position, faces the biggest additional challenges in preparing for the arrival of 5G: we must coordinate our spectrum resources with neighboring countries, pay close attention to the protection of interests. of our state. The role of 5G in the readiness process and market participants is very important. To our knowledge, all operators are actively preparing for the faster and smoother emergence of new technologies in Lithuania. Testing of 5G technology, measurements of radio signals from base stations will provide additional arguments in negotiations with administrations of neighboring countries. The common goal is for full 5G communication services to appear in Lithuania as soon as possible and immediately after the respective frequency auctions, the operators must have all the necessary frequency resources to provide commercial services ”, says M. Žilinskas.

RRT reminds that the RF auction conditions will not determine which technology should be installed in a specific RF band. Once received, operators will be able to use them to develop existing 4G and new 5G technologies, depending on the needs of the service users.
