Route of the vaccine to Lithuania: 7.2 million ordered. doses, the first vaccines are at risk, others may have to wait until the end of next year


According to G. Anddrulionis, the most important thing now is that the coronavirus vaccine is registered with the European Medicines Agency.

Currently, two manufacturers, BioNTech and Pfizer and Moderna, have applied for COVID-19 vaccine registration.

Two other vaccine manufacturers, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, are also in the evaluation process.

„Scanpix“ / „“ nuotr./ “AstraZeneca“ vakcina

„Scanpix“ / „“ nuotr./ “AstraZeneca“ vakcina

“Continuous review means that clinical trials are not carried out after everything has been completed, reviewed, verified and then added in one package, but are simply sent to the European Medicines Agency each time a package appears. data in particular. To expedite these individual cuts as soon as possible. In this way, the objective is to expedite the registration, “said G. Anddrulionis.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Gytis Andrulionis

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Gytis Andrulionis

Typically, 210 days elapse between submission of a vaccine registration application and registration (excluding certain staging steps where the manufacturer is required to provide additional and similar data).

In this case, as it is wanted as soon as possible and certain data has already been made available, it was agreed to publish the registration dates of the first two manufacturers. On January 12, a decision on “Moderna” is scheduled to be submitted to the EC. And BioNTech and Pfizer on December 29. (…) These dates, where I mentioned them, are for the conclusion of the European Medicines Agency. It is sent to the EC, which is subject to these findings and registers the vaccine, ”explained G. Andrulionis.

He said the EC was on hold and that if the experts had no questions or concerns about safety, there would be no need for additional data, the coronavirus vaccine would be registered in one to two business days.

This means that we can already receive decisions from the EC on December 30 and January 13.

According to G. Anddrulionis, it is a very real scenario that the first doses of vaccines arrive in our country in the last days of December, in the first half of January.

“After that, more and more contracts become more active with each passing month,” he said.

Price: more than 100 million. euros

According to the IWT director, vaccines have already been purchased and contracts entered into.

It is true that the chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, Mykolas Majauskas, said that the budget for 2021 does not provide funds for the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine..

Acting Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga explained that this will be done with borrowed funds..

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

“Registration is expected and logistics operations are scheduled to begin immediately, immediately, the same day it will be registered,” confirmed G. Andrdrionis.

At present, Lithuania has concluded 7.2 million contracts. dose of vaccine to buy.

According to G. Anddrulionis, each vaccine has its own action. Most vaccine manufacturers anticipate that they will need two vaccines with a break to gain immunity.

Some manufacturers, with a 21-day break, others, with a 28-day break.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine

Clinical trials of vaccines from some manufacturers, such as Johnson & Johnson, are conducted in two directions: single dose and double dose.

“Some manufacturers, whose vaccines have not yet been purchased in Lithuania, are already talking about three doses. This number varies depending on the strength of the vaccine platform, the manufacturer. Again, there are several aspects studied in clinical trials: how one strength works, how another works, how the booster vaccine works. The reference scenario is two doses per person, ”said G. Anddrulionis.

Some manufacturers, whose vaccines have not yet been purchased in Lithuania, are already talking about three doses.

Speaking about the possible price of vaccines arriving in Lithuania, the IWT director said he could repeat the number that was once provided to S. Skvernelis: more than 100 million. euros.

They will be delivered by the manufacturers themselves

G. Anddrulionis explained that 6 agreements have been concluded on the purchase of vaccines against the coronavirus.

Each of them provides production, delivery times, prices.

“The manufacturers themselves, it is very important to point out here, are interested in delivering good quality vaccines. Deliver in such conditions that both the cold chain and transport conditions are maintained. But, according to all contracts, which is common, all manufacturers will deliver to the national warehouse in Lithuania, which is the warehouse of the Sanitary Emergencies Center. From there, we anticipate all local distribution: distribution, transfer to institutions. There is an action plan for this. The Minister approved the entire action plan, how, which institution does what, when it does it, who is dedicated to procurement, who is dedicated to logistics ”, said the head of IWT.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

G. Anddrulionis highlighted the distribution of ultra-low temperature vaccines and vaccination of the population as one of the greatest challenges.

These non-COVID-19 vaccines have a very limited shelf life.

According to the IWT director, this vaccine, which requires a particularly low storage temperature, will be the first to arrive in Lithuania.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./Vakcina

BioNTech and Pfizer vaccines require a storage and transport temperature of -70 degrees, and Moderna vaccines require a temperature of -20 degrees.

“From a logistical point of view, these are complex products and require very good preparation,” commented G. Anddrulionis.

He also indicated the need to buy syringes for vaccination.

The IWT chief said that a national recruitment has been announced, at the same time that Lithuania participates in the EC centralized recruitment. They end this week and we should get the tools we need before the vaccine arrives.

According to G.Andrulionis, a tender for the purchase of ultra-low temperature refrigerators has also been announced.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That is, all the logistics are mapped out and we are currently working on legislation to determine the flows of patients to be vaccinated and when,” he said.

All logistics are in place and we are currently working on legislation to determine the flows of patients to be vaccinated and when.

A.Veryga approved the procedure according to which the country will prepare for COVID-19 vaccination, and determined which groups in society will request the vaccine in order of priority..

The population at risk will be vaccinated first.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Continuous quarantine in Vilnius

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Continuous quarantine in Vilnius

According to G. Anddrulionis, when the vaccination of a larger part of the population will finally be available will depend on which manufacturers register and deliver the agreed quantities of vaccines to Lithuania.

“If this is the case in a very general way, in my personal opinion, it is exactly 3-4 quarters of next year, when we will have enough vaccines for the whole society,” the IWT chief said.

The goal is to vaccinate 70% against the coronavirus. population of the country.

“If 70 percent. Have immunity, this results in a herd immunity and the spread of the infection almost stops. It is an aspiration,” emphasized G. Andrdrionis.
