Romas Bubnelis, one of the richest people in Lithuania, was captured by the police


According to the portal, according to the court decision, R. Bubnelis avoided the criminal case, but lost the right to sit behind the wheel for 1 year and 8 months and was ordered to recover the amount of money corresponding to the value of the car.

According to the case, R. Bubnel met with the police on February 13. around 9 pm to 10 pm in the afternoon. He was driving a SAAB car while intoxicated. A sobriety test on the driver revealed that he was drunk: the breathalyzer showed 2.23 avg. drunkenness.

Romas Bubnelis, one of the richest people in Lithuania, was captured by the police

© KLUBAS.LT / Julius Baliutavičius

According to, R. Bubnelis admitted his guilt in court and made no secret that he celebrated with friends that day by consuming alcoholic beverages. He was not planning to get behind the wheel after the fun, according to the singer himself, he decided to drive several kilometers after drinking after saying he could not call a taxi.

Delphi recalls that Mr. Bubnel has recently been described as an artist who enjoys a quiet life. However, there were times when he was one of the richest people in Lithuania. R. Bubnel owned a huge business empire: a chain of grocery and liquor stores, his own bank, his own television.

“I bought a yacht. He was there to make the guests swim maybe one day in the lagoon. I bought a four-seater plane so I wouldn’t have to wait in lines on the other side of the wall. He ended up flying maybe twice with that plane and not even flying anywhere on the border, ”the businessman recalled his rich life on the recent LNK KK2 program.

The man enjoyed the glory. The owner of the television and the bank knew the businessmen, the government people. Rome communicated with all the ministers and even the prime minister: “With Prime Minister Šleževičius, we often sat down, sat with gin and tonic and talked about things.”

Romas Bubnelis at the KK2 show

Romas Bubnelis at the KK2 show

© Stopkadras

That life continued until Rome became rich. But in the time of young Lithuania, it was dangerous for entrepreneurs. The business in Rome was plagued with financial problems: “In those days, the laws were not very valid. He writes in the newspaper that something is not clear with that signature, the economic police immediately attack: collect all the documents, close the accounts and investigate for a month, two, three, four. You cannot transfer money for TV. Nothing can be transferred because the accounts are closed. “

With the business collapse, Rome was no longer able to pay wages. Lost TV. I lost the bank. He was in debt to many people. Debt collectors appeared on R. Bubnel’s door every morning. The threats began. A Molotov cocktail was thrown at Rome’s house, and a car parked in the yard exploded: “A car exploded, the end was blown up. Thank goodness the tank was empty because the grenade was placed next to the tank. It exploded and did not catch fire, “R. Bubnelis opened the TV shows about hard times.

But the threats were only the beginning. On the first Sunday of June 1995, Father’s Day, men crossed all borders. A small-caliber weapon was used to attack Bubnel’s father. Unfortunately, the shot was very accurate. The shot hit an artery and the businessman’s father was bleeding.

At the same time, Bubnel’s business completely collapsed. The businessman was arrested and tried for misuse of assets.

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