Rokiškis even had hiccups: it turns out that the real treasure is concentrated here – “anti-covid” water


Who is hiding under this quackery?

V. Uspaskich stated that he has created a magic water that helps people overcome COVID and builds immunity. “It just came to our knowledge then. We obtained the energy code of this virus from the Chinese and created a structuring machine, a tunnel. This water creates cellular immunity and prepares the body to fight COVID-19”, presented V. Uspaskich his product in a live broadcast on Facebook. He added that about a thousand people in Lithuania are already drinking the water he has created, including his grandson, who is one and a half years old, and for whom water also represents vaccination against twenty diseases. .
It’s just unbelievable, but it turns out it’s not just kind of stupid here, it’s geared towards very clear sales. A half-liter bottle of water costs a euro and a half, but you cannot buy one, you have to buy a complete pack of 24 bottles, which costs 36 euros. Only by drinking water for 24 days, according to V. Uspaskich, a person will recover from the coronavirus or gain immunity. True, only for half a year. After six months, the course of “treatment” should be repeated.

In Rokiškis: five times cheaper

Well, for the beneficiaries, if there are any, we can say: do not rush to buy. This water, called “Upas”, can be purchased at Rokiškis stores for a much lower price, from 49 carats for a liter and a half to 30 carats for a half liter. And there really is no buyer harassment of this “anti-pesticide” water.

Of course, nothing bad will happen to those who drink this water, it is only mineral water, the extraction of which in Rokiškis was resumed for the third time last year.

Third time

The beginning was in 1991. At that time, the local entrepreneurs had decided to start this business, having founded the Sartai company and installed a well on Miškininkų street. Unfortunately, the local business did not change and the mineral water, which was supposed to be called Sartai, did not appear on the market.

A few years ago, this well was bought by the Vilnius Lamikara company and had started to produce Vaiva mineral water. The water was extracted and bottled in Rokiškis, but it was not widely disseminated on the Lithuanian market.

Well, last year an attempt was made to reactivate the extraction of mineral water from a well in Rokiškis. For the third time. This was acquired by the same company, Lamikara, but it changed ownership. The company was modernized and the production of mineral water “Upas” was started, which, however, did not gain popularity and was little known to anyone. Sure, until this week.

A very thoughtful marketing move?

So why did this water supply V. Uspaskich and the MEP take a very drastic advertisement for him and become the advertising face for Upo?

Unfortunately, after the scandal, all Lamikara phones are constantly silent. But it is already possible to find news on Facebook that UAB Lamikara is closely related to V. Uspaskich’s business.
