Rokas Masiulis: I feel a lot of emotional relief


Rokas Masiulis, former Minister of Transport. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Rokas Masiulis, a former transport and communications minister, says he agreed that the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Valdas Sutkus, may have collected and disseminated negative information about him. According to R. Masiulis, the attack on them was finally said to be an organized campaign.

I was greatly emotionally relieved by what was happening. I suspect he had an orchestra attacking me. I also had something specifically to say about Mr. Sutkus, because he was the one who initiated that attack. V. Sutkus collected accusations and arguments, which were later used and attacked by politicians, V. says R. Masiulis.

When asked if he took into account the events of Ramnas Karbauskis last year about people close to R. Masiulis who were allegedly used dishonestly in the transport sector, the former minister says that he is talking about both the country’s leader and other politicians. .

He is not alone, there were more politicians who attacked me, I no longer count. But everyone used those painful arguments, paymi contender.

R. Masiulis says he has not yet decided whether he will take any steps to protect his reputation. He also claims that law enforcement officials have not yet contacted him.

I have yet to consider, ita inia was like a nice thorn in the clear sky. But it seems like yes, I am a victim in this story. But if the police question me, I will definitely share all my discussions, says the former minister.

As announced by the Special Investigation Service on Wednesday, V. Sutkus is alleged to have purposely paid negative information to undermine the authority of then-Minister of Transportation and Communications R. Masiulis.

V. Sutkus, allegedly for unlawful remuneration, is alleged to have organized, compiled and publicly provided negatively biased information, with the aim of undermining the authority, commercial and political reputation of then-Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis, according to the report.

In this way, the objective was to eliminate R. Masiulis from the position of Minister of Transport and Communications, according to the STT.

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