Rimantas Jonas DAGYS: Despair in a gender field – Respublika.lt


“What do you need to protect your families from?” The authorities expected a different scenario, they did not expect such a dignified and abundant protest from the people, and they expected a culture of confusion and low conduct that could be portrayed as evil. That is why the Vilnius Liberals and Conservatives had given permission for the demonstration. When the quarantine restrictions were higher, I was afraid to give it up, when the restrictions were now significantly lowered. The motivation for the ban is clearly political and possibly undemocratic, which is typical of the communist people. Obviously, the arguments in favor of pressure, discrediting and mass brainwashing begin.

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Rimantas Jonas Dagys. Photo of Elta

In fact, our society is already becoming less and less naive because it believes that intervention is needed now to protect our families. She is not naive because she sees that the jobs that are most favorable to Putin have been mostly done by people who accuse others of being pro-Russia. He can read not only “Lithuanian” propaganda articles, especially those emanating from the “national” station. They also follow what is happening in other places and note that there is a real threat that we will be punished for using the precious word “mother” – there are countries whose documents do not contain the concept of father and mother – see communist activists violated the laws in Es EU countries may not have noticed that our EU parliamentarians, having expressed themselves at the level of “the moral authorities of the nation”, had sacrificed Lithuania for the freedom of LGBTQ ideology. He sees that even without Russian help to destroy families, more than 200,000 people died in Lithuania more than were born, and around 800,000 more people left to emigrate, largely due to disrespectful attitude towards the working person. This is what people see, it is not naive, although our mainstream propagandists would like to overlook it.

Those who have forgotten their conservative values ​​use this to explain to their confused followers that “nothing will change” “the world is going there” anyway. The world does not go there because all the projections of world demographic development announce that the number of relatively unbelievers in the world is decreasing and will decrease. Because the birth rate of Christians and Muslims is higher and unbelievers just die.

The leaders of the demographically shrinking European Union, influenced by Marxist ideas, do not want to see this, so their perspective of the EU is blurred. Unfortunately, the growing ideological helplessness of the leaders of the European Union is increasingly evident. But there is no evil that does not turn out to be good: Leadership can and should take DIFFICULT people. And now it is happening in Lithuania. This is happening in the countries of the European Union, by the way, just that no one has ordered our political scientists to look at it. Now they use and will use an old and proven methodology. Its essence is simple. If we film a variegated cow from afar, we will see that it is dominated by white. However, if we place the camera in a dark spot, the cow will look black, and if we also stick to the tail, it will smell … So their tactic is and will be to mislead people, showing them bad individual cases. make people think that everyone is bad. If we have about one percent of asocial families in Lithuania, all the “traditional families” mean the bad ones, they cannot be trusted to raise children.
So let’s not be afraid, we know what to do and we will achieve our goals.

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