Right with the lie? T. Pačės: “The fine for not wearing a mask is 500 euros in Lithuania, 50 euros in Germany”


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And this time we decided to check the advertising plot for the party “Lithuania – All”.

“There is a fine of 50 euros in Germany and 500 euros in Lithuania for not using this tool (masks),” said Tomas Pačės, chairman of the Alytus city council and member of the Alytus City Council, in an announcement. posted on Facebook on Tuesday.

The former basketball player in the video compares the fines to the minimum wage in both states, stating that “he is responsible for all of this. kolchozo a psychiatrist who turned to the Lithuanian Kaspirovsk with a gun in his hand ”.

Situation in Germany

German the media announced that on August 27. the national parliament agreed with the country’s federal administrative units, the Länder, a minimum fine for failure to comply with the requirement to wear a face mask.

The minimum amount of the fine is set at 50 euros. The only region of Saxony-Anhalt refused to legalize the fine for not wearing a mask.

However, this does not mean that T. Pacčes is right in saying that the amount of the fine in Germany is 50 euros. In Germany an agreement was needed at national level because different Länder impose different fines for non-compliance, and six Länder provide no fines at all.

We certainly know that it is. If such fines exist in a city in Germany, so is Germany.

Actually, fines in Germany range from € 50 to € 500, depending on the area where the fine is imposed. There is also a practice in the country where fines are issued without prior notice.

In the Land of Baden-Württemberg, the amount of the fine ranges between EUR 100 and EUR 250, in Bavaria between EUR 250 and 500, in Berlin between EUR 50 and 500, in Brandenburg between EUR 50 and 250, in Bremen, Hessen and EUR 50 Rhineland-Palatinate in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 50-150 euros, in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein up to 150 euros, in the Saar up to 100 euros, in Saxony and Thuringia up to 60 euros.

The Land of Saxony-Anhalt refused to set the amount of the fine, and a decision on the amount of the fine was issued in Hamburg on 2 September. the data has not yet been adopted.

Situation in Lithuania

According to the Lithuanian police, Article 526 (3) of the Code of Administrative Offenses (ANC) provided that between 500 and 1.5 thousand people are at risk of non-compliance with the mandatory instructions. fines, for legal entities – from 1.5 to 6 thousand. EUR fines.

If people have no administrative infractions and pay the fine within 15 days, half of the minimum fine of 250 euros can be imposed. This would mean that the minimum possible fine in Lithuania is 250 euros.

“We note that the Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide a warning in this case, but officials who notice a person not wearing a mask can warn him and remind him of the need to wear a mask,” said Laura Grondskė, chief specialist of the Department Communication Office of the Lithuanian Police. 15 minutes.

Article 526 (3) of the UNC establishes that the amount of the fines refers to a state of war or emergency, mobilization, quarantine, restricted quarantine, as well as in the case of an emergency or extreme event, if the emergency or emergency endangers human life or health.

minimum salary

German Federal Statistical Office According to the data, the national minimum wage is € 9.35 per hour. Calculating that a person works 8 hours a day, 20 days a month we will obtain that the minimum wage in the country – 1,496 euros before taxes.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Mask

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Mask

This would mean that the fine for not wearing a mask in Germany ranges from 3.3 to 33 percent. Minimum salary.

The monthly minimum wage (MMA) in Lithuania is 607 euros before tax, which means that the amount of the fine is 42%. up to 247 percent. MMA. The fact that the relative amount of the fine in Germany is lower.

However, not all of Germany has a € 50 fine for not wearing a mask. There are regions where this amount is five times higher. The advertisement “Lithuania for all” sets the lowest possible fine in Germany, which applies to five of the 16 Länder. Therefore, this amount does not apply to the entire country.

I don’t see any problem

15 minutes After asking T. Pačės, who makes a comparison in advertising, if the party president knew about the different amounts of fines in Germany, we received a positive response.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If there are such fines in a city in Germany, it is also Germany,” explained the chairman of the party “Lithuania – All”.

When asked by a former coach or the choice to provide the lowest level of invalid fines in all of Germany, it does not seem strange, T. Pačės did not see the problem in such a comparison.

15 minutes According to him, T. Pačės’s statement is close to the truth. Comparing the minimum wage in Germany and Lithuania, failure to comply with the requirement to wear protective equipment in our country is subject to a relatively higher fine. However, the claim that the fine for not wearing a mask in Germany is only 50 euros is incorrect as it does not apply to the whole country. T. Pačės admitted that he was aware of this fact, but kept silent. Also, although the lowest possible fine in Germany is used for comparison, when talking about Lithuania, it is chose not to mention the fact that the fine here could amount to half less than 500 euros.
