Retirees also rebelled against Aliaksandr Lukashenko: they promise to “go all the way”


15 minutes has already written about what has become a symbol of protest and an international celebrity Nina Bahinskaya, 73 years old. On Monday, Lukashenko stated that he had ordered the security forces not to arrest her and called her a “man of principle”.

Despite the honorable age of the protesters, on October 12 they were bombarded with sound grenades and tear gas. This Monday there was a counter-protest by the retirees who support Lukashenko.

“Scanpix” / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Pensininkų maršas Minske

“I will go to the end”

Ala, 60, says he has been participating in protests from 1993-1994 and has never voted for Lukashenko.

“The elderly, who were seen as supporters of the government, began to go out (to the streets). Those who sowed freedom in the 1980s reached retirement age. They see the dictatorship depriving their children and grandchildren of their future, ”he said.

“When alternative candidates (for the position of president – ed.) Appeared, I signed for the movements of the candidates Viktaras Babaryka and Valerijus Capkala. But I thought that the elections would go as usual, nothing would change. And I was surprised by what happened on August 9. After that, I began to participate more actively in the campaigns. I will go to the end, whatever happens, “he added.

After announcing on August 9 that Lukashenko had won the presidential election, he reportedly gathered more than 80 percent. votes, massive protests broke out in Belarusian cities, which the regime repressed by force. More than 12,000 people have been arrested since the start of the demonstrations. people who have come out of isolation report torture.

“On Sunday (October 11) I tried to rescue a guy who was beaten up by OMON officials. I got closer, I started screaming, I pulled silovika (strength structure worker – ed.) aside, I have a stick to my head, it still hurts. The next day I participated in the retreat march, ”said Ala.

VIDEO: Detainees in Belarus spoke of incomprehensible cruelty: “You could hear people being beaten outside all night.”

According to Ala, most of the protesters and rallies that took place this year had not protested before, but now they simply cannot remain indifferent.

“The son of a man was beaten by OMON officials on August 9 and was put in the Okrestin detention center. Now the father is going (to protest – ed.) Instead of the son. At the protests, I met and I made friends with a woman who is 83. She says she will go while she is alive, “he told Deutsche Welle.

There are more women than men in retirement marches. Ala explains that, in general, there are fewer older men in the country; they just don’t survive until retirement.

“Men of my generation have been sent to deal with the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, most of whom have already died. Fewer men are with us, but those who go to the protests are brave and determined. ”, He added.

He was beaten by officials

“Men are dying early in Belarus. There are many widows among my companions,” said Alai, another participant in the march. Without wanting to reveal her identity, Zhlobin’s wife went to Minsk for a medical examination, but after learning about the marching, he decided to join in. He participated with his brother.

In the Academy science district, retirees tried to prevent a doctor from being detained. In response silovikai began to throw sound grenades, spraying tear gas. “It was hard to breathe. A woman needed an ambulance. My face was burning until evening, “he said, adding that he has no regrets about attending the march.

The woman says she voted for Lukashenko once, in 1994. During this year’s election campaign, she initially supported V. Babaryk, then Sviatlan Cichanouskaya. “It was clear that the people wanted change and the government immediately began to use repression,” he said.

There were large protests in Žlobin after the elections, but fewer people gathered in protests due to arrests, fines and dismissals. New forms of protest are also being sought.

“Twenty people gathered and sat on the benches in the town square. Who read, who spoke. Appeared immediately silovikai and he said it was an unauthorized rally so we have to break up. The following Sunday, the militia supervised the benches from the morning ”, assured the interlocutor.

“I can’t judge them”

“I have never been a fan of Lukashenko.” Because his competitors were not allowed to participate in the elections, I simply did not vote, “DW assured Tamara, 69.

According to Tamara, there is no shortage of Belarusian retirees who support the current government.

Scanpix / ITAR-TASS photo / Counter-protesters in the retreat march

Scanpix / ITAR-TASS photo / Counter-protesters in the retreat march

“They are people who have lived very badly perestroikos years. It is a pity that they do not understand that even without Lukashenko, everything would go well in the country with time. So did those who lived in the village in the postwar years. Today they got a loaf of bread and peace of mind, thinking that it is the greatest good. I can’t judge them, “he told Deutsche Welle.

On October 12, Tamara attended a retirement march and saw how silovikai used sound grenades, tear gas. Although the woman feels intimidated by this, she will continue to participate in the protests, “if health permits.”
