Restrictions on tightening quarantine clarified: police will be on duty on weekends, kindergartens will be able to work


The tightening of the quarantine regime will take effect on Wednesday. As announced by the Prime Minister, restrictions on movement between municipalities will be more strictly controlled on holidays and weekends. And it will be possible to go to another municipality due to the health services provided.

“We have a question and your task is to complete the process that we started yesterday. We wanted to make decisions quickly, but we could not do without procedural problems,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said at the meeting.

According to her, a revised draft, clarifications related to the issues of movement of people and provision of contact services were also discussed on Monday. “We agreed on the decisions by consensus. We really understand that there is a very unpleasant situation,” said the Prime Minister at the end of the meeting.

“We decided that it would be appropriate to keep the newsroom for two people who may be on the street, but add for a family and a home,” he said. According to the updated draft, it is possible “to be in public places in groups of no more than two people or in groups of a family and / or a household.”

The proposed amendments also provide for travel to other municipalities for scheduled medical services.

“We received practical questions that came up <..> this needs to be clarified, not only the necessary assistance has been registered but also the planned health care, who has an appointment at a medical institution in another municipality, this has also been registered ”, explained I. Šimonytė.

Education: distance learning, exceptions provided

The educational process is moved to a remote space, with the exception of preschool and preschool education.

“We try to respond to those parents who work remotely in some way. I have received questions and comments especially from mothers who work remotely and have a schoolgirl who learns remotely. Ask if I can take a younger child to the garden We do not find here any objective criteria that define this possibility. We take this initial education to the distance, but while we are on vacation, we can wait, see how the epidemic situation develops and then decide at the end of the year when the vacation, ”said the Prime Minister.

I. Šimonytė requested that Christmas celebrations and similar gatherings not be held in kindergartens.

The ruling establishes that “education in schools according to the primary, basic and secondary education programs is carried out remotely, except for students in special classes in special schools and general education schools according to primary and basic education, primary education and basic, secondary education, development of social skills, programs that ensure the conditions for managing the flow of people, maintaining a safe distance and other conditions necessary for the protection of public health, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level ”.

Šimonytė: the police will control the roads on weekends and holidays

When the government restricts the movement of residents between municipalities, the police will install checkpoints on the roads on weekends and holidays, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė announced on Monday.

“There will be more physical control on holidays and weekends, and on ordinary days, especially during the working week, those tools that the police really know how to use in public and in private will be used,” he said during a government meeting.

He said that he had discussed the matter with General Police Commissioner Renat Požėla.

Starting Wednesday, residents will be able to leave their township only for work, funerals or medical care.

In Monday’s presentation at the government meeting, the legal requirement that resolutions covering quarantine regulation must be presented by the Minister of Health will be implemented. Article 1 of paragraph 3 of article 21 of the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Act of the Republic of Lithuania will be announced by the Government on the proposal of the Minister of Health.

Movement restrictions

The Government has clarified the resolution that as of December 15, 2020 at 24 hours. until 2021 January 3, 24 hours In Lithuania, there will be movement restrictions between municipalities, except in cases of death due to the death of close relatives or work in another municipality, or due to necessary medical assistance.

According to the new ruling, the movement restriction will not also apply in cases of trips to / from the airport, for health services, as well as for other objectively justified reasons of urgency, when the trip to a municipality other than the residence is unavoidable. Governments have also ruled that this restriction does not apply to people who move to a municipality other than their place of residence where they own real property that they own.

The government has also clarified the cases in which it will be possible to leave the place of residence. It has been decided that it will be prohibited to leave the place of residence, except to travel to work, a place of sale, a property by right of ownership, a funeral, medical care and other essential services or objectively justified reasons when the trip is absolutely necessary.

It will also be possible to leave the place of residence when not more than one family and / or one member of the household goes for a walk in open areas and in cases where sick or incapable of caring for themselves are cared for.

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