Restrictions on movement between municipalities are lifted


“Since midnight, since April 7. 00.00 the movement is opening among all the municipalities, “said the minister during a remote press conference on Tuesday.

A. Dulkys stated that the movement restrictions were introduced for the festive period only: “This restriction was returned for a limited time, during Easter we invited to stay home and really thank everyone who refrained from unnecessary travel.”

“The government has decided not to continue with this restriction and to use measures related to testing, vaccination and, of course, public support,” added the Minister of Health.

He stated that the COVID-19 situation in Lithuania is not improving.

“The situation is not improving, the number of cases is growing, unfortunately, it is growing steadily, the percentage of positive tests is also high, almost 12%. It is worrisome that there are around 40% of positive cases among symptomatic patients. <...> Everyone needs to be tested, this is one of the ways to reduce the spread of the virus, “said A. Dulkys.


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