Restrictions listed as of Monday: in addition to the Opportunity Passport – two people at the table inside, distances and masks


On Wednesday, the government blessed new restrictions for people without an Opportunity Passport beginning September 13. However, some of the restrictions will go into effect on Monday; this will be determined by the decisions of the chief operating officer, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, which have yet to be announced.

The companies, as reported by the Government, have been in operation since August 16. Until September 13, for a transitional period, you will be able to choose: to serve all or only customers with passports, without waiting for the restrictions to take effect on September 13. – will give you more freedom to act.

Stricter restrictions are foreseen for activities carried out without a passport.

Failure to comply will result in fines of between € 1,500 and € 6,000.

In cafes – two at each table

For the catering sector: cafes, restaurants, bars, etc. – additional restrictions on the number of people seated at a table, as well as security measures.

Indoors, no more than 2 people or members of a family can sit at the same table in the same room. No more than 5 people or a family member are allowed to sit outside at a table, the future restriction was presented by Delfi by the Ministry of Health (SAM).

“Mandatory: wear protective masks that cover the nose and mouth without food, ensure a safe distance of 2 m between clients or a distance of 1 m and a partition, ensure proper hand hygiene, ventilate the premises, disinfect surfaces , provide general mandatory health and safety requirements “, written in the SAM interpretation).

Coming to work or receiving sick person services is also prohibited.

If the catering establishments chose to work only with the Opportunity Passport, then the number of people at the tables would be unlimited, the food could be provided in self-service, but it would be recommended to wear protective masks and maintain a safe distance of two meters.

Requirements for activities until September 13

Requirements for activities until September 13

© SAM photo

In commerce and services: distances, masks

“Wear protective masks that cover the nose and mouth, maintain a safe distance of 2 m indoors, ensure conditions for proper hand hygiene, manage personnel flows, frequently ventilate facilities, disinfect surfaces, provide information on the general mandatory requirements of hygiene and safety, “the Ministry of Health writes interpretation.

Employees are prohibited from coming to work or receiving services if they are ill.

With the opportunity passport, all activities and services are allowed, except for the exceptions provided, as well as masks, distances of 2 meters are recommended, flow control.

For hotels: meal times, masks

Starting Monday, lodging establishments will need to provide stricter meals for unvaccinated, immune, and unexamined clients, or choose to serve only clients with a passport of opportunity.

“Mandatory: establish a feeding schedule, maintain a safe distance of 2 m in common areas, wear protective masks that cover the nose and mouth, ensure adequate conditions for hand hygiene, disinfect surfaces, ventilate the premises frequently. It is forbidden: to provide catering according to the principle of self-service ”, writes SAM.

If hotels and other accommodation establishments decided to work only with a GP, the restrictions would not apply, the recommendation to wear masks to maintain a safe distance would be maintained.

For events: limit of 500 people, seats, masks

Starting Monday, the event organizers will also have to adapt to the new requirements, which include cinemas, theaters, etc.

It is forbidden: occupy more than 75% in closed spaces. filling the room, so that the spectators see the event not from the seats ”, writes SAM.

It is also mandatory: wear protective masks that cover the nose and mouth in confined spaces, divide participants and spectators into sectors of 500 people, ensure non-interference, distribute tickets electronically or register participants, provide meals only in places designated. areas, to follow other general hygiene and safety requirements.

If the events were organized for clients with a GP, then it is possible to limit the number of spectators or participants both indoors and outdoors, and when their number does not exceed 500, it is possible to eat from the seats. Recommended masks, distances of 2 meters, flow control.

These requirements are not yet final and are subject to change both before Monday and possible adjustments later.

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