Resolved: Proposes the prohibition of groups of more than two and the prohibition of trading in temporary places


Aurelijus Veryga, acting head of health emergency operations, Danas Bakša, director of the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL), and Daiva Razmuvienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), reviewed the measures for the spread and control of the coronavirus in a remote press conference on Tuesday.

Will propose to tighten the quarantine

The minister recalled that several proposals on stricter quarantine conditions will be presented to the Government on Wednesday.

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

One of them is the prohibition of gathering more than two people. So far, 5 people have been allowed to join.

It is also intended to include a recommendation to prohibit the use of purchase incentives, that is, not to promote sales and other sales promotions.

“Taking into account the unfavorable epidemiological situation of the coronavirus infection in Lithuania (…), it is proposed to reduce the number of people who gather in public places and others from 5 to 2,” the draft resolution states.

The ministry also notes that many business establishments are hosting Christmas fairs at the beginning of the festive period, with a variety of merchants trading in temporary establishments rather than physical stores, bringing together large flows of buyers, making it difficult to fulfill.

“It is proposed to prohibit all stores, supermarkets and service points from selling in temporary points of sale (except food, fireworks and commercial islands), that is, when they are not in physically segregated stores but, for example, in common premises of supermarkets and the like. “, – notes the ministry.

The Ministry also recommends recommending that shops, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets not use short-term sales promotions, that is, sales, discount hours, tastings and other measures that increase the flow of buyers and visitors in a certain moment. This would not apply to online trading.

The third wave is threatening

Resolved: Proposes the prohibition of groups of more than two and the prohibition of trading in temporary places

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

During the press conference, A. Veryga also responded to comments from some members of society that the quarantine will not be observed during the Christmas period and will be celebrated as usual.

“If that is the case, it is certainly not inconceivable that after the Christmas holidays, approximately 2 weeks later, we will have neither the second wave, but the third wave, which can become uncontrollable phenomena. I would like to remind you that medical institutions are already experiencing great tensions, and I invite you to think ahead and not to organize such celebrations, “said the acting minister.

You also need to isolate yourself from family members



© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The interim minister recalled that those who must isolate themselves at home due to the coronavirus should be as separate as possible from family members, not in contact with them.

At the same time, A. Veryga spoke about highly criticized mobile medical teams.

“We hear a lot of skepticism about these teams, there are fears. But I want to welcome that […] Mobile teams are already operating in 11 municipalities of the country, ”said A. Veryga and urged other municipalities to also organize mobile teams.

“No funds should have been provided”

Veryga cut back on those who said the budget had lost money for COVID-19 vaccines.

“I would like to reassure everyone and ask my colleagues at Seimas not to spread panic in society, not to intimidate, because the funds for vaccines in the PSDF budget should not have been provided. “The government has made all the necessary decisions about how to buy these vaccines,” said the acting minister.

Procurement must be diversified and vaccination will target 70%. Lithuanian populations.

“Once it is clear how much the vaccines will need, when it is clear how much Lithuania will be able to receive, then the government will have to make a decision and it has already been agreed that the vaccines will be purchased with borrowed funds,” A.

No new outbreaks were recorded

Daiva Razmuvienė

Daiva Razmuvienė

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According to D. Razmuvienė, it is gratifying that no new outbreaks were registered on Monday. Thus, it can be said that the outbreaks are localized and the new cases affect people who were already in isolation.

“15 percent of family outbreaks have been reported in a single day,” said the epidemiologist, adding that the percentage could increase to explain the unknown cases.

“I don’t want to rejoice in advance, but I think the public listened, adopted the rules and helped achieve yesterday’s results,” said D. Razmuvienė.

Also, according to the epidemiologist, there has been a report that a baby infected with coronavirus was infected by a sick mother.

Research 80 percent. cases

The epidemiologist also responded to criticism voiced earlier in the presidency on Tuesday that 50 percent of coronavirus cases are not investigated by the NVSC.



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“I would like to respond to the opinion expressed today. It is absolutely false that NVSC does not investigate 50 percent. In all cases. It is false and very regrettable that professionals with other skills can evaluate the work of epidemiologists.

Epidemiology is a separate science and it takes many years to understand it. […] The tests are done every day, they take more than a day. Throughout November, there were about 14 percent of the cases not investigated. The highest percentage was more than 17. The lowest percentage was around 7. And, according to all organizations, if epidemiologists study 80%, the situation is under control, ”said the epidemiologist.

The purchase has been made

At a press conference, Dan Bakša announced that on Monday the purchase of equipment necessary for laboratory tests for the coronavirus was completed, which caused a lot of passion.

Today Baksha

Today Baksha

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“We got much better results than in most cases, no matter which way the purchase was announced. Again, I think this confirms that we did the right thing by making an enhanced purchase. Offers were sent to 23 or 24 companies , followed by 11 companies, ”said Bakša, who had received much criticism about the purchase, adding that a lot of money had been saved.

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