Residents say they don’t get job search benefits, but hundreds of bills are wrong Business


15 minutes letters that reached the editorial board in which residents complain that they will not receive job search benefits for July.

“To this day, not everyone with job search benefits has received them in July. Some have not received it yet and by June. It is not possible to call the Employment Service (UT). Brokers just give themselves They shake hands and say wait, you get it. UT employees respond to the same comments for everyone: too much workload, “it is written. 15 minutes in the letter received.

However, UT spokeswoman Milda Jankauskienė 15 minutes reported that the institution had transferred July support funds to the 162,158 beneficiaries. It is true that the funds could not reach everyone because some residents misrepresented the bank accounts.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

“We have 700 returned orders from banks due to the fact that people incorrectly indicated bank accounts, provided incomplete and incorrect personal data,” emphasized M. Jankauskienė.

The main reasons for returned orders are those indicated incorrectly or the closure of the beneficiary’s account, the beneficiary’s name does not correspond to his code, etc.

According to M. Jankauskienė, banks had returned up to 2,000 payments to UT by June.

“This hinders the smooth and efficient entry of data into the system and the execution of orders,” emphasized a UT spokeswoman.

By June, banks had returned up to 2,000 payments to the Employment Service.

Every unemployed person registered with the Employment Service is entitled to a temporary job search benefit. It amounts to € 42 or € 200: lower for those who receive a normal unemployment benefit and higher for those who do not.

A thousand companies were behind on subsidies

As i recently wrote 15 minutes, Companies that did not receive wage subsidies for workers who returned from downtime for three weeks also complained of late payments in late August.

The UT service later admitted that around a thousand companies do not receive the promised money, and support is delayed due to the inability to distribute the funds due to both excessive workload and incorrectly filled documents.

Currently, according to UT, 17073 employers have applied for post-downtime benefits for 156,211 employees. Until 7 September. Funds were paid to 16,208 employers for 118,464 people.

According to M. Jankauskienė, subsidies are paid to all employers who have submitted the documents correctly and comply with the conditions of the law. The Office regularly receives improperly prepared grant applications from a large number of companies.



According to UT, the main field of activity, the number of employees, the phone number are not indicated, the employer is not included in the list of victims of Covid-19, payment documents are not attached for all employees indicated in the list and a copy of the cash order is not attached.

Occasionally, the employee list includes incorrect personal codes, does not indicate the end of the employee’s downtime, does not issue a cancellation order, adds more employees than can be financed with the approved fees, and changes the employees listed – one month and a month.
