Residents received strange brochures with Kepeni’s statements: “Sorry to receive misinformation”


On the social network, the woman shared photographs showing flyers placed in her mailbox about the alleged damage to fertility caused by vaccines and the natural protection of nature against infectious diseases through innate immunity, “which vaccines destroy the most. “.

“Sorry to get the wrong information,” he said.

One side of the brochure shows the commentary by Seimas member Dainius Kepenis.

Spreads misinformation about reduced fertility in women after vaccination

“Dainius Kepenis, promoter of natural immunity and a healthy lifestyle:

The unilateral fight against Covid only with the help of vaccines clearly shows the commercial nature. It is well known that nature has been responsible for protecting man from infectious diseases through natural innate immunity, which is what vaccines destroy the most. Daily contact with natural factors through air, water, food and other forms is the most effective way to gain endurance, which everyone can “win”.

Surprisingly, the actors of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports not only do not talk about strengthening natural immunity, but they still deny it.

Unexpectedly, the flu disappeared, which we were able to overcome through universal acceptance by hardening and strengthening immunity, and recommending vaccinations to those who didn’t care. The flu has subsided, and the natural immunity is gone, only artificial during vaccination! Who can deny that this is not a conversation? The great multimillion-dollar project of the global mafia business Covid … “, the words of D. Kepenis are quoted.

Following the photos shared by the woman, commentators say the same brochures were distributed during the “March for the Defense of the Family.”

A member of Seimas D. Kepenis, interviewed by the news portal, assures that the distribution of brochures is not his initiative, it is public opinion.

“They interviewed me, I replied. However, the words are not distorted, they are mine,” confirmed D. Kepenis.

Brochures: complete misinformation

Vytautas Usonis, a professor at Vilnius University, says that the ideas put forward by a member of the Seimas are disinformation that is not based on any reliable source.

Vytautas Usonis

“It is the policy of the state to vaccinate the Lithuanian people and vaccinate them with safe vaccines registered in the EU so that we can control the pandemic, so that we can control the infection,” he added.

The aforementioned statement: “The unilateral fight against Covid only with the help of vaccines clearly shows the commercial nature. It is common knowledge that nature has taken it upon itself to protect humans from infectious diseases through natural innate immunity, which is what vaccines destroy the most, ”according to the professor, he is completely wrong.

“It is completely wrong in the sense that it is a theory of an integral part of the epidemic process and a complete classic. Regarding the infection, it is clear that no results have been obtained in this direction because the virus has spread throughout the world.

Control of proliferation pathways was what the world depended on until December 2020. Then all means were used: quarantine, disinfection, masks, companies were closed, contacts were limited.

But then we saw the number of deaths, the number of residual phenomena after such a natural “rule”. That is the way to walk naturally ”, says V. Usonis.

Protest against quarantine restrictions in the Seimas, member of the Seimas Dainius Kepenis

“Vaccination is a problem for people who don’t care about immunity”

Kepenio is trying to explain his theories that the fight against coronavirus with vaccines is ineffective, so it is necessary to strengthen his immunity: “Vaccines are a way to acquire a special immunity and let those who want to take care of it” .

“My example only demonstrates the need to take care of immunity because it has proven its effectiveness. I kept saying that I was concerned about my immunity, as did thousands of my students.

I was almost asymptomatic and in self-isolation, although I had no difficulty with the infection. It is much easier for everyone to face this disease naturally and overcome it with the help of immunity ”, explains the member of Seimas.

When asked if he denies the effectiveness of the vaccine, he assured that he does not deny the vaccine, but that he himself only promotes natural immunity: “And vaccination is a problem for people who do not care about immunity.

Vaccines are good for people who believe in them and don’t recognize natural immunity. In this case, I agree that vaccines are very important as a means of psychological reassurance ”, says D. Kepenis.

For those who doubt the effect of vaccines, V. Usonis suggests paying attention to the historical facts: “Smallpox has been eradicated, measles, tetanus and many other diseases have been controlled.”

“One wonders on what basis this information is disseminated. All post-vaccination adverse events are a registration system, a state system both in Lithuania and internationally.

These systems, to my knowledge, do not register adverse effects such as infertility. Interestingly, on what basis are these phenomena spread? “Considers the teacher.

Ensures harm to fertility vaccines.

The second side of the leaflet indicates that the observations of the clinical scientist, embryologist Aušra Blažėnienė, are shared. Professor V. Usonis emphasizes that it is also about disinformation “whose purpose is to influence the program implemented by the State.”

Spreads misinformation about reduced fertility in women after vaccination

“The S needle protein is used in these preparations or otherwise Sincitin, produced naturally at certain points and cells in our body. It is a protein responsible for cell fusion. It binds directly to the ACE-2 enzyme receptor, which is dominant in both male and female fertility.

Furthermore, the high similarity between native Syncytin and the S-needle protein Syncytin, and the initiation of excessive production of protein S and forcing the cells of the body to produce large amounts of antibodies against this protein, does not rule out the possibility that the antibodies also produce and neutralize natural syncytin. it will damage cell fusion during fertilization or embryo implantation, it can also increase the incidence of prepromotion and increase the likelihood of miscarriage, ”says the brochure.

According to V. Usonis, A. Blažėnienė should be asked on what basis this information is disseminated.

“All post-vaccination adverse events are a registration system, a state system both in Lithuania and internationally. These systems, to my knowledge, do not register adverse effects such as infertility. Interestingly, on what basis are these phenomena spread? “, Think.

When citing a researcher, it is mandatory to include an exact reference to the citation in the document, as writing the position is irrelevant.

“In our time, you can open any database and view any article. There needs to be a specific reference so that the reader can see who it is through the academic, how was the work, what is the methodology.

Today there is a whole system of how scientific publications are judged, their reliability. The writing “clinical scientist” means absolutely nothing, “confirms V. Usonis.

Currently, 1.2 million have been vaccinated in Lithuania. people – 44.4 percent. population of the country.
