Residents – Police Alert: They will react to prohibited gatherings at home and elsewhere, face heavy fines


Police Department spokesman Ramūnas Matonis told news portal that the police will definitely react to the reports, where possibly larger groups of people will gather.

“The police will certainly not organize special raids or inspect private facilities and areas. However, there will be a response to incoming information and notifications.

If we receive such reports that larger groups of people may have gathered somewhere, then the police will definitely react to such reports, ”said R. Matonis.

Fines can reach up to 1,500 euros for residents and up to 6,000 euros for entrepreneurs. euros

According to R. Matonis, people who do not respect the ban on grouping will be administratively responsible in accordance with article 45 (4) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

“The fines range between 500 and 1,500 euros. If a person is sanctioned for the first time, they usually receive half of the minimum fine: 250 euros, ”said R. Matonis.

For violations of prohibitions for managers of legal persons or other responsible persons: from 1,500 to 6,000 euros.

“Administrators of legal entities may also be subject to higher fines. For the first time, it would probably be half the minimum fine, which would be 750 euros,” said R. Matonis.

The article refers to acts that endangered the spread of dangerous or particularly dangerous communicable diseases, committed during war, emergency, mobilization, quarantine, restricted quarantine, as well as in case of an emergency or extreme event, if emergency or emergency endangers human life or health.

Warns: if the requirements of officials are not met – more stringent measures

A spokesman for the police department, R. Matonis, says that those who do not comply with the requirements of the officials will face stricter measures. He also provided previous examples.

“Those who do not comply with the requirements of officials, as has been the case so far, who have acted aggressively in public places, refuse to comply with the warnings and requirements of officials, this is subject to stricter measures.

They are being punished without warning, there have been detainees, like in Vilnius over the weekend, previously there were people in Plungė who maliciously circumvented the requirements, who tried to deny the existence of the virus and the disease in general, ”said R. Matonis.

christmas celebration

How will the police control Christmas and New Years?

Before the upcoming winter holidays, Christmas and New Years, the government had already taken action and prohibited the provision of accommodation to rent, sublet or use premises for private events, celebrations or other gatherings.

“It is too early to talk about the holidays, because it is not clear what restrictions and requirements may still be in place at that time, because we see that it is changing every week.

What will be the requirements before the holidays? These are the requirements and the police will enforce your application before the holidays.

If these requirements are maintained, we will comply with them, if they are even stricter, then the police measures will also change, ”said R. Matonis.

R. Matonis pointed out that at present the situation of fir trees near the big cities is supervised and controlled by shooters. Police officers are also on patrol to make sure residents comply with security requirements.

Meetings for up to 2 families, personal celebrations for up to 10 people

The government has ruled that contacts of more than two families or two households are prohibited, unless unavoidable due to the provision of necessary assistance and the like.

Private parties involving more than two families with a total of no more than 10 people are also prohibited.

The government passed a resolution on Monday to tighten the quarantine and recommend restricting movement for unnecessary reasons: leaving the place of residence only on the way to work, a place of commerce, medical care and other services.

“Recommendation to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons,” said Acting Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

Acting Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga hinted that the upcoming winter holidays may require measures as strict as during Easter: movement restrictions.

He said that assessing the current epidemiological situation, and 4,000 daily cases in the near future is realistic.

The government has tightened quarantine conditions

The government has tightened quarantine conditions since Wednesday and introduced many new restrictions in Lithuania. The quarantine runs until the end of the year.

People can leave their place of residence only for important reasons, seniors will only study remotely, and beginners will be on leave from Monday. Parents are advised to bring kindergartens to kindergartens only if there are no other alternatives.

As soon as

Remote work

In both private and public institutions, work is organized and clients are serviced remotely, except when relevant functions must be performed at the workplace.

“Mandatory instructions to work remotely for both public and private institutions, except in cases where it is not possible to guarantee the working mode by working remotely,” said Skvernelis.

He noted that the control authorities, such as the State Labor Inspectorate, had already received instructions to reinforce controls.

For those for whom teleworking is not possible, the government requires compliance with all safety requirements, “ensuring the conditions established by the State-level Emergency Operations Manual for traffic management, safe distance, public health safety necessary, hygiene and personal protective equipment “.

Lessons: remotely, and beginners are offered vacations starting Monday

Education in schools according to primary and secondary education programs is carried out at a distance, except for pupils educated in special schools and special classes in general education schools.

Until now, education in the country since the introduction of the quarantine on November 7, with the exception of education in kindergartens and primary classes, has been carried out remotely or mixed.

Schools are encouraged to bring the elementary school holidays forward and post them from December 14 to January 3.

Lead to kindergarten if there is no other alternative

Preschool, preschool and primary education will continue directly, but it is recommended that preschool and preschool educational institutions be attended only by children whose parents do not have the opportunity to work remotely.

According to Acting Prime Minister S. Skvernel, all students will continue their studies remotely and the beginner’s holiday will start next Monday. It is recommended to take children to kindergartens only if there is no other alternative.

Non-formal education for children is provided at a distance or suspended, as is non-formal adult education, except for practical training in aviation, navigation and driving, as well as foreign language proficiency assessment tests for women. people entering foreign higher education institutions.

Only one family member is added to the store, only 20 percent fill up in the parking lots. parking spaces

Longer opening hours should be established in stores, markets and other points of sale. It is recommended that only one member of the family or household visit the outlets.

In addition, in order to manage the flow of people and reduce congestion, it is recommended to increase the number of operational checkouts in stores so that no more than 5 people queue at checkouts.

The government has set higher requirements for commercial space, instead of 10 m2. meter. the area is determined by:

– when the total commercial area is up to 10,000. kv. m., to ensure at least 15 square meters per visitor. meter. zone

– when the total area is greater than 10 thousand. kv. meter. to ensure at least 30 square meters per visitor. meter. zone.

Parking lots adjacent to stores, supermarkets, markets, and other public outlets cannot occupy more than 20 percent of all vehicle parking spaces, excluding employee and disabled parking spaces.

Stores – no promotions or sales, hospitals – no visitors

Do not use short-term sales promotions (sales, discount hours, tastings, etc.) that increase the flow of buyers and visitors in a very short time and place, other than online sales.

It is forbidden to rent, sublet or lend premises for the provision of accommodation services for the organization of private events, celebrations or other gatherings.

Increase the number of beds and volume of personal healthcare services in inpatient personal healthcare institutions for patients with COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) to treat patients with COVID-19 disease and to accommodate staff, if necessary, to reduce the volume of planned inpatient and outpatient health care services or to suspend the provision of these services, with the exception of health care and assistance, the non-provision of which would cause the patient to need essential medical care or it would significantly harm your condition.

The government prohibits visits to patients, except for terminally ill patients and children under the age of 14 with the permission of the treating physician.

Look further, parents are not afraid of distance learning and will help grandparents to:
