Residents of the capital, Pavilnis, have access to D. Nedzinskas’ plans to build a store.


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The planned project of a new shopping center in the homeowners district of Darius Nedzinskas Pavilnis, a real estate developer, arouses passion. The project will not be discussed in the first place, and the majority of the local community does not support the future department store, but the rest do not support it.

The most active critics of the EU, and the main tenant of the future store, Rimi Lietuva, complained to the highest authorities, as well as to the leaders of the Swedish ICA Gruppen and the Swedish Embassy in Vilnius.

D. Nedzinskas says that 1,000% will believe in the project’s criminal record and the benefits to the local population, at which point Rimi Lietuva ensures that it adheres to the ever-increasing standard of law and business ethics.

Developer: the project benefits residents

D. Nedzinskas on his 7700 square meters M. m plot plot Diaugsmo str. 116 plans to build 2,300 square meters by fall 2022. m total area of ​​the shopping center. According to him, Rimi Lithuania occupies 1,300 square meters. m area, another about 150 square meters. m coffee, as well as part of the area will go to the poor and veterinary pharmacies. It admits 30% of the total plot to alluvial areas.

I am a private investor who applies stricter requirements than what the bet stipulates: the intensity of the adjustment will be four times less than allowed, the ali zon will be 20% more than required, said BNS D. Nedzinskas.

He estimates that around 600,000700,000 euros of VAT will be paid for the construction of the facility, 25 permanent jobs will be created, and in 10 years the project will generate 1.7 million euros in state and municipal budgets. Eur pajam.

photo :: 1left

According to him, after the construction of the shopping center, the price of real estate for the residents of Pavilnis will increase.

I have no doubt that if necessary, when they sell their houses in the ads, they will say that there is a store in their area, says D. Nedzinskas.

Criticize the size of the store

The main object of the projected shopping center in Pavilnis is the size of the store planned in the project. They require that no more than 500 square meters be built on the territory established by individual country houses. m store.

According to us, the unofficial presentation of the project by the developer contains many shortcomings, preconceptions that precede future visions of the city. We’re not close to the emergence of a smaller store, but the plot is simply not expected to be 2,300 square meters. m shopping area. I live closer to that plot. Would you agree to live in a cabin when there is a tent ramp about 78 m away? According to BNS, Arkady Blumin, spokesman for the Ali Mountains community.

In addition, according to him, the arrival of the store will significantly increase the flow of cars, which will have a negative impact on traffic safety on the narrow Diaugsmo Street. According to J, there are no plans to lay out Diaugsmo Street or bypass roads, and there are no plans to develop additional lanes or other road safety measures.

D. Nedzinskas stated that in addition to the shops, 69 parking spaces are planned and next year the municipality will continue to rebuild and distribute substantially all of Diaugsmo Street.

We, with our design solutions, simply connect to the already completed municipal plan for the reconstruction of Diaugsmo Street, said D. Nedzinskas

Without waiting for the first official presentation of the project to the public scheduled for December 21, the most active critics of the project have always addressed the promoter, Rimi Lietuv, its shareholder ICA Gruppen and Prezidentr, the Government, the Seimas and the municipality of Vilnius.

A. Bliuminas stated that the response was received from ICA Gruppen that the owners did not change the dispute and the information about the project was transferred to the company in Lithuania.

Gimirius Bandzeviius, Managing Director of Rimi Lithuania, responded to BNS that ICA Gruppen and Rimi adhere to legal and business ethics standards when conducting their business.

A spokesperson for the Pavilnis community told BNS that it was still waiting for a dialogue between the municipality, the community and the developer, but did not rule out going to court.

When we asked the developer during the first unofficial presentation of the project what we could negotiate, the answer was: about the color of the building and the platforms and about the vegetation that would be planted around that store. If this is the developer’s bargaining position for the community, we cannot accept it in any way, Blumin said.

Maesns nestatys

D. Nedzinskas stated that he did not fear possible legal disputes, that this is normal business practice.

Because of the conviction of this project, I am sure that not 100, but 1000%, I will repeat at 1000%, says BNS.

D. Nedzinskas, it is used that residents will not negotiate a smaller store, because I do not want to rent 500 m2. m area of ​​premises. Furthermore, that area would not be economically viable for him.

As a real estate developer, I found a place, developed it and offered it to the three operators in my client portfolio, Rimi, Lidl, Iki. Whoever offered the best terms and fits the format, or simply put, offered a longer rental period at the highest possible price, wins the bid. This is a purely economic interest on both sides, says BNS D. Nedzinskas.

D. Nedzinskas has been suing the courts for several years over the plan to rebuild the Trak bus station by setting up a Rimi store there. Prosecutors have approached the courts to defend their interests.

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