Residents Left Kaunas Psychiatric Hospital Ahead of Time – Charged with Harassment and Serious COVID-19 Violations


The letter indicates that resident physicians residing at the Republican Center for Addiction Diseases in Kaunas Branch (RPLC KF) are experiencing psychological harassment and the conditions for infection control at this hospital are seriously violated. Examples are also provided.

For example, when one of RPLC’s CFs was working for a resident physician when COVID-19 was detected, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) did not receive an exhaustive list of high-risk contacts, although staff spent full time on the same office. Additionally, these individuals were prevented from isolation, and a resident physician, as the letter states, was subjected to psychological harassment, putting pressure to continue working even when he experienced specific COVID-19 symptoms.

Another case is also similar: when the caregivers of the institution detected a positive coronavirus, the staff were not isolated and the facilities were not disinfected.

“The institution does not follow the preventive measures of Covid-19: med. staff do not have separate facilities for work, lunch and examination of patients who have not yet undergone a Covid study; all processes are carried out in one room, the room is not disinfected or ventilated after examination of the patient.

Newly hospitalized patients arrive in the ward without a prior Covid examination, these patients wait for a medical examination in the hallway of the general ward, visit the common procedure room where the Covid-19 examination is performed, and examinations are not always perform with the appropriate clothing. The case of employees who are examined immediately after the patient, with the same mask and the same gloves, without having previously disinfected the workplace has been pointed out “, the letter relates the problems expressed by the young doctors regarding the branch of Kaunas.

It is also mentioned that new patients are admitted to the isolation room, which is located in a common room, patients in the room often do not have masks, the doors to the room are not always closed, patients use a shared bathroom They are going to smoke down a common hallway to a common area for smokers.

More complaints about this hospital are also listed. For example, it is mentioned that community meetings are held every morning with all inpatients, residents and patients, three meetings of this type are held in the same room per day and the room between meetings is not disinfected or ventilated. There are no disinfectants in the hallway, the provision of personal protective equipment is limited and / or difficult.

“We emphasize the quality of medical education provided by this residency base, which is reflected in the feedback from resident physicians, but for the reasons listed above, we currently consider this residency base to be an inappropriate workplace for physicians. young people, “says the letter. a comprehensive study was conducted.

According to neighbors, the problems are due to the new leadership

According to Kristina Norvainytė, president of the Association of Young Doctors, this problem is not a new problem in RPLC CF, but rather an old exacerbated one, which became more pronounced in the presence of the coronavirus.

“The staff have been harassing there for some time, they are just afraid to talk about it. However, this is not something new, only now contributed by another lack of hygiene in the institution. This further aggravated the situation, as she became insecure not only emotionally but also physically, ”said K. Norvainytė.

The problems, according to the interviewee, from the testimonies of other doctors, arose a couple of years ago when the current director of the hospital took over as director.

“From what we have heard from the director of the institution, according to her, this is the opinion of a resident, but it is not like that, we have the testimonies of much more than one resident, informally and the testimonies of other employees. The fact that the residents have been removed from this place of residence as well, I think, speaks volumes. Certainly no one would make such decisions if there were few complaints, ”said K. Norvainytė, adding that the entire medical community feels that the level of tolerance, for example, for psychological violence and labor relations violations, is very high.

Management found no violations

We contacted Loreta Stoniene, director of RPLC KF, but the person responsible for the situation did not want to comment further, because she is currently ill.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We will see what comes out of that great noise. I am not going to comment on anything because I am sick, I cannot think of anything. If there is a complaint, there is always an investigation. The complaint is not valid. I will carry out an investigation and everything will be clarified. And I hope that we will go back to living as we live. It’s just that sometimes angry people do it. We couldn’t ban it. I have no right to comment because I’m unable to work, “said L. Stonienė.

However, Ausra Širvinskienė, deputy director of RPLC, who is chairing the internal investigation, agreed to comment on the situation in more detail. According to the interlocutor, he had to visit Kaunas and learn all the arguments presented.

“Perhaps we will start with the fact that the residents have been interning here for many years. These residents have not just started their internships either, some of them at their residence for 3 months. However, no complaints were made even to the directors of practice that coordinated their work or department heads. We have a department to which all employees who feel some pressure, for example from senior officials, can turn. But no one has received any complaints, “said A. Širvinskienė.

According to her, since the letter does not specify who and what bullying was carried out, it is very difficult to verify.

“It is not even clear in the letter which specialists are being accused there. We have specialists who can be contacted in those cases, but no one has received such complaints,” said the interviewee.

He also mentioned that a commission has been created to clarify the situation and consult with the Institute of Hygiene as a result of the alleged infections. Trainings were also organized at the Institute of Hygiene.

“All the statements of the young doctors mentioned in the letter have not been confirmed. Everything is documented. One of the arguments is that patients sometimes remove their masks. Sure, this can happen, but the doctors’ job is educate on the use of masks, – said A. Širvinskienė.

– I think that now we have a rather delicate situation in Lithuania, everyone is afraid of the coronavirus. This situation creates tension and it happens in such a way that sometimes the tension does not reach where it should. “

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