Residents ask for help: three days without power and the number of failures has only increased


Energy Distribution Operator (ESO) 12 h. According to data from the Republic of Lithuania, there are around 17 thousand trees without electricity throughout Lithuania due to trees falling from heavy snowfall on overhead power lines. homes. At that time 8 pm in the morning, this number was less: 14 thousand.

Third day no phones, no food, drink and anger

Rimantas, a resident of Adomaičiai village, Vilnius district, says the power was cut at his home on Tuesday at 10 am. 30 minutes, it still hasn’t turned up.

“We are without electricity for the third day, no one provides any information, says warning phrases, thanks for the patience and states that Lithuania has been hit by a natural disaster.” By the way, who published that verse? THAT itself. We can’t know when to start repairing faults in our area, maybe tomorrow or maybe in 2 days.

After all, a pandemic: we can’t go anywhere, phones are discharging, where to charge them? Without eating, without drinking, angry. 21st century, and when it snows, half of Lithuania is left without electricity. Your website only has general statistics, and we need specificity, because the limits have already been exceeded! It is obvious that the company has funds in its eyes, it simply does not see the need to invest in renovation, old and worn equipment, an unpromising business, ”the Vilnius district resident is outraged.

Residents ask for help: three days without power and the number of failures has only increased

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Nobody handles broken cables

The resident of Kalnynai village in Širvintos district also has no electricity for the third day.

“I am asking the townspeople for help. The surrounding people have also not had electricity for 56 hours. There are no ESO employees at lunchtime on the disconnected high voltage cables.

The Kernav ancia elder mentioned that the freshly cut cables were noticed yesterday. ESO declares that non-priority and high voltage power failures are a priority, ”he says.

ESO specialists work at full capacity

According to ESO representative Paulius Kalmantas, ESO specialists are working at full capacity to restore electricity supply as quickly as possible. The highest priority is to restore electricity to those residents who do not have it for the longest time. Almost all possible capacities are connected, using maximum forces.

“ESO specialists are working around the clock to restore power as quickly as possible. Both operational brigades and other units that can do the work have been mobilized. Today, around 230 crews are constantly repairing faults. ESO continues to communicate. Consistently with municipalities, local elders and forestry business units to restore electricity supply as soon as possible.
However, despite all efforts, the recovery of electricity takes time. We apologize to all customers for the inconvenience, we ask for their understanding and patience, ”he says.

According to him, the number of calls to ESO’s customer service line has increased more than six times, so the call has to wait, but all calls are answered after the wait. In the event of a power outage, we recommend that users record the failure in a special form, which can be found on the ESO website or by logging into ESO self-service.

Residents ask for help: three days without electricity and the number of failures has only increased

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Depending on the situation, the number of specialists serving customers by phone has been significantly strengthened. Customer service by phone is available 24 hours a day,” says the ESO representative.

According to P. Kalmantas, although there are fewer breakdowns after the end of the heavy snowfall, new disruptions are still forming after rebuilding, with trees repeatedly boiling over the overhead lines. The cause of power outages is wet snow clothing that has accumulated on trees.

“Unable to bear the weight of the snow, the trees or their branches break and ignite the overhead power lines. Repairs in recent days have been hampered by the fact that in some places the machinery was simply not getting through the snow before the breakdowns. The situation was also aggravated by the fact that the snow did not stop for a long time, even after a full day of work, there were interruptions in the forests on the same line again, three or four times ”, he comments.

ESO: top priority for residents with the longest time without electricity

The circulated report indicates that there are currently no 8.3 thousand power plants. Residents of the Vilnius region, 3.6 thousand. Alytus, 3.5 thousand. Utena, about 600 residents of Kaunas, 800 – residents of the Panevėžys regions.

In total, the electricity supply, which was interrupted for more than 3 minutes, was resumed for about 230 thousand. clients (including repeat failures). The rest of breakdowns, around 40%, are repaired with the help of automation.

“Although fewer breakdowns occur after the heavy snowfall ends and have accelerated considerably as more roads have been cleared, new disruptions are still forming after rebuilding, with trees repeatedly boiling over the airlines.

We remind you that the cause of power outages is wet snow clothing that has accumulated on the trees. Unable to support the weight of the snow, the trees or their branches break and ignite the overhead lines of the distribution network, ”the ESO report reads.

2021 January.  28 d.  12 pm ESO data

2021 January. 28 d. 12 pm ESO data


According to ESO, the failures are being further rectified: the top priority today is to restore electricity to those residents who do not have it for the longest time.

“ESO specialists are working around the clock to restore power as quickly as possible. Almost all possible capabilities are connected, maximum forces are used. Both operational brigades and other units that can do the work have been mobilized. ESO continues consistently communicating with municipalities, local elders and forestry business units to restore electricity supply as soon as possible.

However, despite all efforts, some of the electrical restoration work is taking time. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience, we ask for your understanding and patience, ”says ESO.

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