Researchers: The severity of COVID-19 is often determined by some lifestyle characteristics


Vice-Rector for Studies of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) prof. Kęstutis Petrikonis was glad that lifestyle medicine is really very promising: in the last decade, this field has been developed by dedicated healthcare professionals, and today development in other fields is ensured by the new generation of experts in lifestyle medicine. “We are beginning a new stage: we are also applying lifestyle medicine in military medicine.” This is a great opportunity to discuss new ideas and find new ways to improve public and military health, ”said prof. K. Petrikonis.

Today, the focus is on infectious diseases, but it is clear that a healthy lifestyle can help restore health and physical capacity even to soldiers subjected to heavy pressure and damage, and medical interventions in the style Life expectancies are increasingly being used outside of the health care system. This was emphasized by the conference participants when they discussed innovations in this area and shared good clinical practice.

According to Seimas member, former Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, people were slow to believe that lifestyle medicine was necessary for our health care system. “We used to talk about chronic diseases and today we talk about controlling infectious diseases. It also has to do with lifestyle. People who promote a healthier lifestyle face fewer health challenges even with COVID-19. It’s good to hear that lifestyle medicine also covers new horizons. The more people from different fields talk about it, the easier it will be to convince the public that it works, ”said the parliamentarian.

Many speakers at the conference noted that LSMU, which trains professionals in lifestyle medicine, will undoubtedly follow other universities around the world in the long term, which will also have an impact on clinical practice. “Despite the many challenges we have overcome, we are moving forward successfully. This conference is a great platform to discuss how to develop lifestyle medicine and the profession in this field, how to inspire other countries to follow our example, ”said Prof. Dean of the School of Public Health at LSMU MA MF. Ramunė Christmas.

Member of the Board of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Member of the American Association of Cardiologists, Cardiologist Dr. Dexter Shurney emphasized at the conference that health is mainly influenced by two main factors: the lifestyle and the environment that surrounds a person.
“There are many reasons why people do not change their lifestyle. One of them is convenience. We are surrounded by bad choices – these are the foods we get in cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, and living in an environment where we don’t have to move a lot. It’s hard to get out of it. And while it is important to be disciplined, many do not. So we have to think about how to change the environment, the structures, so that we can change our habits, “said D. Shurney.

He also mentioned that the United States faces particularly serious lifestyle problems: 68 percent. adults and 33 percent. children are obese or have overweight problems. In the long run, even pets take over harmful lifestyle habits – 54 percent. Domestic dogs in the US are also overweight. The US cardiologist emphasized that almost half of human health is determined by choices, and many diseases can be prevented by applying clinical lifestyle medical techniques.

D. Shurney reviewed a study conducted by Vanderbilt University (USA) when, after changing the lifestyle of the organization’s employees (20,000), almost a quarter of them began to take less medication. There is no doubt that adjusting your lifestyle changes not only your health, but also your financial situation – saving less money saves you more money. “Of course, not everyone is determined to change, but we don’t need it. To make a difference, it is enough that just 100 employees in any large organization change their lifestyle,” Shurney said.

One of the most cited nutritionists in the world is the Harvard School of Public Health researcher, prof. Dr. Walter Willet drew attention to the Lithuanian diet at the conference. According to the scientist, Lithuanians tend to eat a lot of potatoes, meat, processed products and foods rich in refined starch, which is certainly not the healthiest diet. According to W. Willet, such food is only suitable for survival, but not for the prevention of chronic diseases. There are many diets in the world, but the scientist highlighted the healthiest one: the Mediterranean diet, which includes many foods, and most importantly, based on the complete structure, the plant form. According to a nutritionist, this is the healthiest diet, and Mediterranean people who live like this are the longest in the world.

The scientist reviewed a large-scale study that sought to answer perhaps the most important question for humanity: how the human population, which will likely reach 9.8 billion, will need to be fed by 2050. population. In his opinion, this is possible, but we must all work. The study also analyzed in detail the causes of human mortality and the greenhouse effect.

“To reduce mortality statistics, we should first consume less processed meat products, as well as less natural meat and eggs. It is recommended to eat more plant-based foods, as well as homegrown chicken and fish occasionally. It is important not to eat harmful fats “Willet said at the conference, emphasizing that at least half of the food eaten every day should be plant-based. The use of these products should reduce the greenhouse effect, but this requires a focus on transport, the energy sector and industry.

According to their report, the conference “Lifestyle Medicine: for society and the army” was organized by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences together with dr. Jonas Basanavičius Military Medical Service and Lithuanian Lifestyle Medicine Association.

The event also discussed lifestyle medicine strategies that increase the capacity of the US military and improve physical fitness. Various lifestyle medical interventions treat soldiers’ chronic illnesses, reduce exhaustion, increase physical capacity, improve sleep quality, and prepare for deployment. Such conclusions were made at the conference by US A and Force Academy surgeon and preventive medicine specialist, Major Dr. Regan A. Stiegmann. According to her, the US military faces a particularly common problem: After completing a basic military course, soldiers gain a couple of kilograms in weight regularly a year. This not only reduces the physical capacity of soldiers, but also increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as many other chronic diseases.

“What’s happening in the military is a reflection of what’s happening in society. Exceptional overweight and obesity. In 2017, nearly 70 percent. People in the Department of Defense were either obese or overweight, so more attention should be paid to lifestyle medicine at this time. All elements of lifestyle medicine are important to the efficiency of the military, “said RA Stiegmann. According to her, human bodies can often be cured by themselves, but this requires the right conditions: more plant-based foods and other lifestyle medical interventions. The US military is paying special attention to this today: medical interventions in the style Lifeguards are formally embedded in military health care and are a priority.

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