Researchers: For the first time, humans were infected with two different coronaviruses at the same time


210 million meanwhile, the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in Brazil exceeded nine million. The Health Ministry said Thursday that 61,811 new infections had been recorded in 24 hours. 1,386 people infected with coronavirus died per day.

Researchers are concerned that patients infected with two strains at the same time could lead to even higher levels of variants of the coronavirus.

“Two types of coronavirus in the same body can produce new variants even faster than before,” said Fernando Spilki of Feevale University in Brazil.

It is feared that the new strains could become even more contagious and resistant to vaccines.

Brazilian expert Felipe Naveca recently told AFP news agency that the Brazilian variety found in the Amazon state is “probably” more contagious than the newer varieties in Great Britain and South Africa.

According to Naveca, the strain, described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “worrying,” could have spread throughout Brazil and become the main dominant strain in the Amazon.

Researchers have no evidence that people infected with the new strains of COVID-19 are more likely to get sick.

Brazil’s response to the coronavirus pandemic was the worst in the world, according to a study published Thursday by a licensed Australian think tank.

The Sydney-based F. Lowy Institute for International Policy evaluated the study in nearly 100 countries based on six criteria, including the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, the number of deaths, and the test parameters.

“Taken together, these indicators show how well or badly countries have coped with the pandemic,” the report said.

In Brazil, more than 218 thousand have been registered. deaths from coronavirus infection. It ranks second in the world in terms of victims after the United States.

The two most populous countries in the United States have been led by nationalist leaders for most of the past year, actively underestimating the dangers of the pandemic coronavirus, scoffing at the wearing of masks, advocating quarantine, and ultimately infecting the virus themselves.

New Zealand’s response was recognized as the best.

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